Sora is mine!!!

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13 year old Joshua Pickles has been found dead in his very own home. The older brother has been arrested for his murder.

He was stabbed 70 times. 30 times on the head, 40 times on the neck. The older brother has been arrested for the murder of Joshua Pickles since he was the only person who was with Joshua when he was murdered.

5 weeks later

???: Jaxx!

Jaxx: Oh hey Charli. You feeling okay?

Charli: No. That killer killed my boyfriend! I hope he gets what he deserves.

Jennie: I know. We all have something to say about that freak!

Sora: Yeah. He was my best friend. 

Soooooo Joshua's older brother Edward was arrested and put on trial for his murder. Everyone hates him. I hate him too. Me, Charli, Sora, and Jennie decided to be at his trial so we could say a few words to his face.

Jennie was the first person to say some words to Edward. I swear her voice sounds so annoying.

Jennie: Joshua was completely different from you. He was funny, smart, and he wasn't a complete weirdo like you. However that gave you no right to kill him in such a brutal way! You really are a dick! I'm praying that you get the most extreme punishment! I hope you die.

5 minutes later

Judge: You are a threat to our society. You have clearly shown that you don't care about anyone's feelings.

Edward: It wasn't me! I didn't kill him! I-

Judge: Shut your mouth before I ask the deputies to put tape on your mouth!

Edward: ........

Judge: You are a disgrace and a monster!  You have shown that you don't deserve to be around anyone. You are a waste of oxygen. Therfore you have been found guilty of the murder of Joshua Pickles.

Edward: *cries*

Judge: And because you are old enough for this sentence, I sentence you to death. You will be executed tomorrow morning. 

At school

Jennie: Thank God Edward is getting the death penalty. He deserved it.

Sora: I know.

Jennie: Hey Sora. You haven't checked on which club you wanted to do yet.

Sora: Hmmm. You're right.

Jennie: Come one let's go see what clubs there are.

( Jaxx overheard their conversation and decided to follow them. )

Jennie: How about the Art club?

Sora: Hmmm. I don't know. I do like to draw but....... I'll think about it.

Number 2

Jennie: How about the cooking club?

Sora: Oh. This is one of my top 2 clubs! I really love to cook! Everyone here is soo nice and have amazing cooking skills.

Number 3

Jennie: How about the Gaming club?

Sora: Ugh. Seriously?! Who the hell likes to play video games?! They're soooooo corny and a complete waste of time. I can't be seen with someone who plays video games. Like get a life! *sigh* Next club please.

My Crazy Boyfriend/ Soraxx Where stories live. Discover now