He's.. trouble?.

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*The boy from earlier's pov(his name is Bumblebee Jasper)*

"Ugh.. the fuck was that?." I hollered, kicking a rock. "So stupid.." I rested my head in my hands, feeling my face get hot, turning a slight vermillion, my breath getting heavy. I turned my head to see Lars standing at the doorway, grasping the wall. He looked a bit pale, you could tell by his curious and fear filled face that he hadn't been on a new planet in a while, if at all. "What-.. are you on about?" He smiled, I stared at him for a moment. Did he hear all that?. I could barely start a sentence "I- uh-" I started to make out a few words before Lars did for me. "Where's the off colors?!" He realized, letting go of the wall and farther outside, and closer to me, too close. "uh.. they.. ohhh! The off colored gems? They're here.  Follow me!" I could finally confidently finish a sentence, putting my hand out for a handshake, or a low five. Lars hesitated to reach out his hand, his cheeks turning a deep magenta. "You?.. coming or?." I mumbled. "Yeah!" Lars replied, grabbing my hand. "whaaaaaaaat" I thought, my heart beating faster. "You coming or? Haha!" He repeated, "bingo bongo! Got youu~! Let's go." Lars pointed a finger gun at me with his other free hand. I swear I felt an arrow shoot though me, what is with me right now?- .. "Let's go!" I brought myself back to Earth, strolling over to the gem clinic and away from the human clinic, pulling Lars through the whole way, not letting go a moment. "Andddd here! My dad said that they just woke up an hour before you haha!" I opened the door to let him through. Lars walked into the room, grinning ear to ear seeing that everyone was safe. "Lars!" Rhodonite shouted, jumping off of the bed. "Guys!" Padparadscha slowly got off the bed with a stool"Lars is going to walk into the room safe and sound.!" The group gathered to surround Lars, pushing me further from him. "So this is where I leave now" I whispered to myself, seeing a text my dad sent me "Oh! Lars!" I called out  "you're rock friend woke up.!" I smiled, walking backwards toward the doorframe. "Who?.." Lars' voice made me stop moving, holding the doorknob. "Mica?." He was there when they crashed.. I know that for a fact. There's not any records of Mica.. I thought he was on the ship with them.. what if he was trying to break in?! What should I do?! He's with my dad alone right now! "Beee~" Lars' voice called out to me in a sing-song tone. "You there?" I nodded silently. "Let's just go see this 'Mica'" He turned around "right guys?" The gems seemed to agree with Lars. "I've never seen a rock before!" The rutile twins beamed. "Alright.." I grumbled. 

-at the rock clinic-

*3rd perspective w/ Lars*

"Jasper!" Bee's dad ran towards him. "They won't stop trying to get out of the bed so I.." Bee looked over at Mica, Lars peeking over Bee's shoulder on his tip- toes "pfft.. is that a baby swaddle?." Bee's dad sighed "it's the only thing we had.." Mica had fluffy, light, desaturated blue hair, flowing down a small bit past his ears. They wore a cloak with a slightly ripped up black shirt under it with ripped cloudy grey jean shorts and long black socks up to his thighs. They were pretty but his attitude barely made up for it. "Let me go you villainous beef-witted minnow!" Mica shook around, pouting. "It's.. so hard to take them seriously like this.." Bee mumbled. Lars giggled, grabbing Bee's shoulder. "Now I can finally see. Haha" Mica shook aggressively, trying to break free from the swaddle. "RAHHH!" They roared in need of freedom and violence, falling to the floor "AHA A TASTE OF FREEDOM! YOU FOOLS!" They wriggled like a worm on the ground. "Maybe we should set them free?.." Bee's dad said walking up to Mica. "DAD NO WAY!" Bee hollered, but far too late. "AHAHAH! IM FREE! YOU MANGLED RUDE-GROWING WARTHOGS!"

(Author's note)

Hope you love this "villain" as much as I do haha! Mica's pronouns are he/they btw. YOU MADE IT ALL THE WAY HERE! You finished the 3rd parttt! Yippeeee! Hope you enjoyed! Go read more wattpad >:( CONSUME! The purpose of life is to consume, we are consumers. consumeeee. 

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