episode 161

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Sato: Don't be in such a rush! Stay for a while!
Stella went to help him
Now then, where are the other two? I won't let a single one escape!
Here we are! He sees Sanji running
Sanji: Hey! You see it, Usopp?
Usopp: Found it!
Sanji: Give me directions!
Usopp: Straight ahead! Climb up the tree after the next one! You can jump onto it from the branches!
Sanji: Got it!
Sanji starts to climb
Sato comes behind Usopp
Usopp: Yikes! It's him! What's he up to?
Sato: Go! He pushes a ball
Look out, Sanji! There is a ball heading your way!
Sanji: What? What's Luffy doing?
The ball hits another ball to go back to Usopp
Sato: Surpise Billiard!
Sanji: Usopp!
Usopp: He was aiming for me! He swings back. Only for his nose to pop it.
It's gonna explode!
A flower popped out.
Sato: A dud...
Usopp falls from the tree.
Sanji: Idoit.
Stella was able to pull him out.
They saw him and both ran to him
Luffy: Why, you...!  Gum- Gum... Gatling!  He did multiple punches
Only to hit the different balls
Stella: Stop, Luffy! Don't hit those balls randomly! You'll hurt Sanji and Usopp.
Luffy: What the...?
Usopp: Oh no! Too late!
Sanji: Look out! They're coming from all directions!
Sato: You people are fun! He goes higger on the balls.
Sanji had to dodge the balls
Spears! Crab!
Usopp: Four at once!
They all stuck together.
Four birds came out singing.
What? Another dud? Or should I say I hit the jackpot?
They sing
I freaked out for nothing! Huh? You want me to sing, too? Okay! Listen in awe to the one known as the singing pirate! Here goes!
The pink bird rings a bell
Hey! I haven't sung yet!
They all opened their wings and started to beat Usopp Up
Luffy's butt was on fire.
Hot. Water! water! Hot! He jumps down. River! A shark bit his butt.
He screams
Stella: Why did you jump
He then fell through the water.
I went through it!
Stella: Luffy! Don't hit the river below! There might not be a bottom!
Luffy grabs onto a vine.
He goes too high.
He then swings Vine to Vine
Screaming like Tarzan
Sanji: Are you stupid?
Stella: Way to have fun. She does the same thing
Usopp used his hammer on the birds.
Luffy: Yahoo! Laughs
Usopp: Oh! I didn't think of that! Now I can finally try it out!
He looks in his bag
Sanji: Got any ideas,Usopp?
Usopp had a belt on
I sure do! I'm known as the greatest pirate inventor! I'll show you my latest weapon! Usopp! He screams like Tarzan.
Sqnji: What.
Usopp: Just watch! He finds the boat.
There it is! On the river straight ahead! I can make it! Set up!
A grappling hook came from the belt. And goes around the tree.
Sato: What is he up to?
Usopp: Alright! Now it's just a straight line to the crow! If it goes any further in, we won't be able to get it! I can't let this chance go!
Sanji: Not too shabby! Watch out for the balls!
Usopp: I ain't gonna screw up! You can call me the king of the jungle! Here goes... Usopp! He jumps off.
Alright! Here we go!
Screams like Tarzan.
Sanji: Yes! Perfect! Get aboard and stop the boat!
Usopp tries to get the belt off.
What are you doing? Get on already!
Usopp: Yeah...about that... I forgot that the rope is attached to the belt, so I can't get down...! He falls back screaming.
Crap! Crap! He tries to grab the branch. Only to just swing back.
Luffy: Hey, Usopp! You seem to be having fun, too! He screams like Tarzan.
Sanji: I need a word with you two.
After a while Luffy and Usopp had Bumbs on the face
Sanji: Got it? I'll forget what happened, so do as I say!
Luffy: Yes! I'm sorry!
Usopp: Sorry...
Stella: Did you have to do that they were just acting like boys. Forget about the boat now. All four of us are going to attack him at once! I don't care if he is a priest. If we all attack at once, we should be able to find a way to beat him!
Sato: Beat me?
They looked around.
Luffy: Where did he go?
Sato goes next to Sanji
Impact! He touched Sanji's chest.
All: Sanji!
Sato: Life is suffering... Now for the other three! He looked at them
A girl was running. She went under a tree trunk.
She was digging up dirt and placing it in her bag.
Robin helped Nami
Nami: Thanks!
Zoro was walking to them
The girl looked scared.
She ran out.
Nami: Hey, did something move over there?
Zoro: Dunno.
Nami: Say, did you see anything, Robin?
Robin: No, nothing at all.
Zoro: You sure it wasn't just a monkey
Nami: A monkey? I guess so...
Robin:Do you think we should check out the other shore after all?
Nami: No way! What if we get attacked by a shark again
The little girl saw them from the trees.
Zoro: Geez! You're hopeless...
Chopper: I can't get near it like this. I promised Zoro I would fix the ship. And I promised Stella I would be brave. Alright! I'll do my best, too!
Just don't let them notice you! Gently...Gently... he slides down.
He was able to get to the last Staircase and get the hammer
I did it! Now I can fix the ship! A bird squacks.
And he screams.
He holds his mouth.
A shark came behind him and went to eat him.
Chopper was able to jump on top of it. It moved around. It then pushed Chopper on the boat.
The Whistle! 
Gan: One blow of this one whistle...and I shall come to your aid!
Normally, I charge five million extol, but I will give you the ome whistle as a present
Nami: Wait! We still don't your name
Gan: I am Gan Fall, the Sky Knight! And this is my partner, Pierre!
May Luck be with you, warriors!
Zoro: So how do we get up there?
Luffy: I know! Let's call the old man and ask!
Nami and Usopp stoped him
Hold on. Luffy! This is only supposed to be used in emergencies!
Usopp: What if that weird masked guy shows up again?
Nami: Here! I'll hold onto this whistle! Ant objections,
Luffy, Chopper and Usopp: Yes!
Nami: How can you say that? I'm the weakest girl here! It's only natural that I hold onto this whistle!
Luffy: I wanna blow it!
Usopp: You just want to try it out, Luffy! Forget it!
Luffy: I wanna call the old man here!
Chopper: Let me hold on to it! I'm the weakest!
Usopp: You wish! I'm the weakest!
Nami: what? Quit screwing around! I'm clearly the weakest!
Chopper: No, I am!
Usopp: Don't downplay my hopelessness!
Robin: What a strange argument.
Stella: Oh this is a daily basis. You get used to it.
Nami: Kay, let's do this! Center of the ship! I'll put it on the main mast, so if anyone's trouble, they can get the whistle from here and blow it! Now it's fair!
Usopp: Alright.
Chopper: Got it.
Nami: And none of you is allowed to blow it! She points at Zoro, Sanji, and Luffy
Luffy: But I wanna call the old man.
Nami: Blow it and I'll kick you to the ends of the earth!
All: Yes, we'll be careful
Chopper puts the Whistle on him.
All right! Good thing this was here! Now if anything happens, the sky Knight will come save me! But the whistle is at last resort! He gets on the railing
All right! I'm going to work hard and watch over the ship! A man came
What's that? He was happy
Man: You're the only sacrifice I get to kill?
Chopper blows the whistle as hard as he can.
Robin: Cobblestones.... we might find more clues if we follow these
Nami: Say, what do you think that sound was?
Zoro: Dunno. Stay right there.
A crocodile came down to eat Nami.
Zoro punches it.
I'm sick of your things!
Robin: What an unlucky day.
Zoro: You gotta be careful.
Namj: Thanks...
Sato hits Usopp.
Luffy: Usopp!
He then kicks different balls at the sibling. And it explodes on them.
And they both fall backward.
He laughs.

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