A White Lie

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Jimin chuckled as he dragged taehyung towards their usual seats at the back of the classroom. He stumbled slightly on the way, his mind a million miles away.

Mrs. Kim entered the classroom and she started teaching the lesson but taehyung couldn't focus like usual, his mind was somewhere else, it was replaying the way how Jungkook kissed his hand today

taehyung's eyes were on his ring which was settled beautifully on his ring finger which was sparkling in the sunlight from the window

taehyung couldn't tear his eyes away from it, His thumb traced caressed the ring slowly with a shy smile playing on his lips

The bell signaling the end of class but still taehyung remained lost in his own world, The students gathered their belongings and walked towards the door.

Yet, Taehyung remained in his seat, a shy smile now fully decorating on his face. Jimin nudged him playfully.

"Stop dreaming about hottie Jungkook, come let's go to our class"

Taehyung pushed open the front door of his house, the familiar smell of his mom's evening snacks hit his nose.

he stumbled slightly on his way, a dreamy smile played on his face.

His parents were in the living room, looked up to see him and they immediately noticed their son's unusual behavior

"Taehyung, come let's eat potato pancakes"

Taehyung sat across from his dad in the couch, He looked at his parents and a sheepish smile spread across his face.

"Oh, hi eomma, appa" he mumbled

"Hey, tae how was your day ?"

Taehyung didn't reply, he was busy staring at the cup of tea placed infront of him.


Taehyung looked up seeing his dad looking at him with a frown

"I asked you something"

"Sorry dad, can you repeat again"
Taehyung blinked, looking at him.

"I asked how was your day ?"

"My day was good i am just a bit tired from college," he mumbled, his voice lacking its usual enthusiasm.

"Tired? You look more like you're floating on cloud nine, son. Did something good happen today?"

Taehyung hesitated, his hand reached touching the ring softly, a shy smile appeared in the corner of his lips.

"Yeah, it was a pretty good day,"

After dinner, Taehyung excused himself from the table, he walked inside his bedroom and shut the door behind him,

A soft smile played on his lips as he stood in front of the window, letting the cool night air tingle on his face

Taehyung smiled thinking about Jungkook, he felt his cheeks turned red as he remembered their kiss

He wrapped his arms around himself, the feeling of the kiss still tingling on his lips.

With a happy sigh, Taehyung turned back, His eyes fell on a dusty music box on his shelf. He hadn't played it in ages, but tonight felt different.

He walked there as he blew off a layer of dust as he turned on the music box playing a soft romantic music

Taehyung looked around his room and he saw his teddy bear sitting on his bed, he took it into his arms.

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