"I-I'm W-will...": Chapter 1

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Negan and his group of Saviors trudged through the desolate wasteland, their leather-clad figures a stark contrast to the post-apocalyptic world around them. They were on a supply run, searching for anything that could give them an edge in their ongoing struggle for survival.

As they moved deeper into an abandoned town, Negan couldn't help but crack a few jokes, eliciting laughter from his loyal followers. Their camaraderie was undeniable, even in these dire circumstances.

However, their laughter was suddenly interrupted by a rustling in the nearby bushes. Negan instinctively raised Lucille, his trusty bat, as his group formed a defensive circle. Out of the foliage emerged a young man who appeared disheveled and battered, with cuts and bruises marring his once-pristine appearance.

Negan eyed the stranger, taking in his peculiar attire, the blue tailcoat and top hat, the shaggy light blue hair, and the black eye patch over his left eye. The man's one visible eye was an unnatural light blue, and bore a catlike, unsettling gaze. He seemed young, perhaps in his 20s, but his fear-stricken demeanor made him look even more vulnerable.

"Who the hell are you?" Negan asked, his voice dripping with authority and slight amusement.

The stranger stuttered in fear as he stammered out, "I-I... I'm W-Will. J-just... trying to survive."

Negan's eyebrows arched in curiosity. "Will, huh? Well, Will, you've got quite the getup there. You some sort of magician or something?"

Will's trembling hands fidgeted as she stammered out "N-n-no, s-sir. J-just a... a wanderer."

Negan's group exchanged glances, unsure of how to proceed. They could see the fear in Will's eyes, and his skittish nature made it clear that he was no threat.

Negan lowered Lucille and let out a low chuckle. "Well, Will, you've stumbled upon the Saviors. We're the ones who make the rules around here."

Will's visible eye widened in terror, but he managed to nod slowly, still too afraid to make eye contact.

Negan continued, "But I'm feeling generous today. You see, we're on a supply run, and we could use an extra pair of hands. So, how about you help us out, and maybe we can work something out, protection perhaps?"

Will's shoulders relaxed slightly as he realized he might have a chance to survive this encounter. "Y-y-yes, sir. I'll h-help."

Negan flashed a toothy grin, revealing his own perfect white teeth. "That's the spirit, Will! Welcome to the Saviors, at least for today. Just remember, we take care of those who take care of us. Now, let's see what you've got. We're hunting for supplies, and you're gonna show us where the good stuff is hidden."

Will, still visibly nervous but eager to please, led Negan and his group through the dilapidated town, guiding them to hidden stashes of food, medicine, and ammunition.

Along the way, Negan couldn't help but ask more questions about Will's peculiar appearance and background.

"So, Will," Negan inquired, "what happened to your eye, and what's with the fancy getup? You look like you walked out of a magician's show."

Will hesitated for a moment, memories of his past flashing before his eye. "I-I... had a run-in with s-some bad folks," he stammered. "T-they didn't like my.... 't-talents."

Negan raised an eyebrow. "That so, huh?"

Will nodded and shakily replied "Y-y-yes sir"

As the day wore on and they continued their scavenging, Negan's group and Will worked together to scavenge supplies, with Negan occasionally cracking jokes to lighten the mood.

Despite the rough exterior of the Saviors, they began to notice Will's genuine kindness and willingness to help, even though he was clearly still on edge. Negan couldn't help but notice that Will rarely smiled, even when he shared a few jokes with his Saviors. It was clear that the young man had seen his fair share of horrors in this world.

Eventually, they gathered enough supplies to fill their bags, and Negan turned to Will. "You've been useful, Will. You've earned your keep today. You can stick with us for a while if you want."

Will, still skittish but beginning to trust these strangers, managed a small, hesitant smile. It was a rare sight, but it held a glimmer of hope that maybe, just maybe, he had found a group of survivors who could offer him some semblance of safety in this unforgiving world.

As Negan led the way back to their truck, he clapped a reassuring hand on Will's shoulder, a gesture of camaraderie among the Saviors. But Will flinched, his whole body tensing as if expecting a blow. Negan immediately noticed and withdrew his hand, realizing that the young man's past had left him deeply scarred. It was clear that he had been through some traumatic experiences, and any sudden movements or touches triggered his fear.

"Easy there, Will," Negan said, his tone reassuring. "No one's gonna hurt you here. We look out for each other, and you'll learn to trust us. You're part of our crew now, and we look out for each other."

Will nodded, still trembling, but he tried to relax. He hesitated for a moment before cautiously climbing into the back of the truck,  finding a spot amidst the supplies, keeping a safe distance from the other Saviors. His gaze darted around, scanning the faces of his new companions, searching for any signs of danger.

The others in the truck watched him, exchanging knowing glances. It was clear that Will had been through some traumatic experiences, and they would need to tread carefully around him. Negan himself decided to tread carefully and avoid any physical contact unless absolutely necessary.

Will couldn't help but glance at the knives and other sharp objects scattered throughout the vehicle. His heart raced, and his breathing grew shallow as he tried to suppress his fear. Each glimpse of a blade sent shivers down his spine, a reminder of the horrors he had faced in his past.

As the engine roared to life and the group began their journey back to their sanctuary, Negan couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction. They had found a new member for their group, someone who needed their protection and guidance. And while Will Cipher had a long way to go before fully trusting his newfound allies, Negan was more than willing to see it through with this skittish and damaged young man who had wandered into their lives.

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