♦️Chapter 1♦️

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A/n pov

A girl at midnight crossing an ally covered in all black going to hospital!! but why? because  her aunt was in hospital as she is suffering from cancer

After sometime
Now she is in hospital went to reception asked about the room no. and went straight to the room as entering she saw that her aunt is talking with someone at phone as she saw me she cut the phone and put it in the night stand.

???: How are you aunt
Aunt: I'm fine sweetheart you shouldn't have come at this time go back and we will talk tomorrow as you-
???: It's alright  I'm all okay but did you take food and medicine
Aunt: no Yn I didn't take-
Yn: then wait here I am bringing
Before her aunt could say anything she already went her aunt take a deep breath

Author pov
At Canteen~

As Yn was taking the foods she hear screams like someone is shouting she looked at the back and two person is shouting on doctor.

Yn pov:
As I came to take the food and medicine I hear noises I look behind and see two well build up man is shouting at the doctor and the doctor was listening them I asked one of the workers there that what happened they said that they are the CEO of a big company and their father got in an accident I tried to look at their faces but they were wearing a mask I shrugged it of and went to take the medicines as l come to the clinic there a man same well build body hurriedly taking the medicines and run off then I take my useful things and went to the room where my aunt was there.

Actually about my aunt I met her a month ago and it's also a big story as I only know this that she has no one

Time skips~(4 days later)
Author pov:
Yn was going to the cafe where she works as part time she entered at the cafe she met her friend Rosé
Rosé: OMG Yn I miss you so so much
Yn: are you serious Rosé we were together last night
Rosé: YAY!! can't you say that I miss you too
Yn: ok ok I miss you too now happy(said with the same excitement)
Rosé: very much(she said with a smile)
Yn: what my today's work??
Rosé: just enjoy sometime(roll her eyes) anyway you have to sit at the counter and take the orders okk
Yn: okk my chipmunk(pinching her cheeks)
With that you went to take your apron
Rosé: why I don't get a boyfriend like you?(In her mind)

Yn pov:
As I take my apron wear it and went to the counter to take the orders after few customers one man in his 70s come he was wearing a t-shirt pants but it looks like he is from a rich family

Yn: what do you want sir??
Sir: ohh dear just call me uncle(with a smile)
Yn: sorry si- I mean uncle but could you please tell me what do you want??
He give me a big smile and said
Uncle: mm~ two croissants and one cappuccino with little bit of sugar as I am a diabetis patient
Yn: sure uncle you will get your food in few minutes you can take the seat Thank you Uncle (with a smile)
Uncle: Thank you dear
With this he went to take a seat
I gave the order to Rosé and after some time she gave the order to him
I looked at him and saw he was enjoying while eating but three man enter in the cafe straight went to uncle I see that they were familiar like I saw them somewhere but where??
And the three started to shout at them by this I understand that they were from the hospital few days ago
Every customers were looking at them I went to their seat and talk to them
Yn: sir please this is a public place you all can't just shout
Uncle: see I'm saying this but they are not listening
One of the man look at me then at uncle and said
???: ----

To be continued


As this is my first work I hope like it and please support me 💖
See you at the next chapter
Love you sweeties 💗
Bye Bye~~💟

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⏰ Last updated: May 29 ⏰

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