chapter seven.

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I TURN ON my heel and march out of the private dance room, my legs trembling as they struggle to hold me up. The aftershocks of my orgasm echo through my body in every step I take.

I feel Nathaniel follow close behind me, his presence like an unwanted second shadow.

We emerge into the main area of the club—passing by a woman begging for a man to come on her face—and I head toward the hallway that leads back to the changing room.

Reaper stands by the front entrance, a silent sentry as always. Our eyes clash together and I clutch Nathaniel's jacket tighter around me.

At the bar, I see Maksim and Viktor. The latter is glaring into the depths of his drink like it committed some unspeakable crime.

I notice Gabi performing a slow dance on the lap of a middle aged man. She is graceful and sensual, though when he reaches up to try and put his hand down her underwear, she gently grasps his wrist and moves it away.

Nathaniel and I are three steps down the hallway when there is a loud, sickening crack.

We both spin around, his hand latching onto me and yanking me into him like danger is lurking near.

My eyes widen and I gasp when I see the client has struck Gabi hard and she is lying on the floor.

Before I can so much as move, Reaper is across the room, grabbing the man roughly and yanking him up.

Similarly, Viktor has begun striding toward the scene and Nathaniel and I are not far behind.

Gabi pushes herself up on shaky arms, long hair shrouding her features, but when she tilts her head up, her face catches the light. I can see her lip is split and her cheek is bruised.

"Are you alright?" Nathaniel demands, crouching down and reaching for her.

She sniffles but nods her head. She's brave; I think I'd be sobbing.

He helps her stand and I quickly wrap my arm around her shoulders. "You ok?" It's a stupid question to repeat, but it's all I have.

"I'm alright," she whispers, a single tear sliding down her cheek. Her gaze momentarily clashes with Viktor's. He looks furious. Like a wild animal on the hunt, he turns and stalks toward where Reaper holds the offending client, who is trying to proclaim that this is all Gabi's fault.

Seizing him by the scruff of his neck, Viktor drags the now-crying man down the hallway and disappears.

"Take the girls back to the change room," Nathaniel instructs Reaper. Then, with a final glance at me, he and Maksim follow Viktor down the hallway.

"Can you walk?" I ask Gabi, concerned she might have hurt herself in the fall.

"Yes, yes, I'm fine," she insists, but her expression is so forlorn. So downtrodden. I get the impression this is not the first time she has been struck by a man.

"Let's go," Reaper mutters, ushering us away from the main area and toward the changing room. As soon as we step inside and Cynthia sees Gabi's face, she goes into mother-hen mode, making Gabi sit and pulling out the first aid kit.

I brush Gabi's hair for her and tie it up, out of her face, so Cynthia can clean the cuts.

"Why don't we give her some space?" Cynthia suggests, specifically eyeing Reaper, whose hulking presence is not appreciated in the changing room, I suspect.

He takes the hint, stepping back. "I'm sorry, Gabi," he says, voice gravelly.

"It's not your fault," she assures him, but his jaw ticks and he shakes his head, then turns and stalks out of the room.

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