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(Devyn POV)

    Everything was going great, one goal scored, two minutes left before halftime, but I guess everything isn't meant to be. 

The world moved in slow motion, only for a couple seconds, but it felt like forever. The mask was thrown off my face, with the force of an uppercut, but there was nothing that came after I got thrown down, or so I thought. Everything went quiet, besides the sound of my head bouncing off the ice, my eyes closed as I saw the blade of another player's skate.

Nausea washed over me as I groaned, feeling pain across my face, wetness moving over my head. Gloved hands were placed on both sides of my head, my eyes unfocused, not being able to see clearly. They put a collar on me, moving my body onto a stretcher. 

A towel was pushed to my head, pressure held down, every voice mumbled, blood drying over my face.


"Fuck" I call out, the bright lights in the room almost blinding me. 

"Hey Dev." The blonde adorning my jersey called out to me. 

"Nee." I sang back to the blonde.

"You scared the shit out of me Devyn." She looks up, blinking away the tears threatening to fall. 

"I'm sorry. I definitely was not planning on being taken out of the game on a stretcher." I giggled, the morphine kicking in. 

"Do I look badass at least?" I half smile at the blonde and she rolls her eyes at me. 

"You'll get there, when the stitches come out." I play offended and she rolls her eyes at me, laughing behind her silent tears. 

"Come here." I scoot myself over as far as I can, patting the space beside me. 

I threw my arm around the blonde, her laying into my side, feeling her tears soak into the hospital gown and all I could do for her is run my fingers through the ends of her hair.

The doctor came in and explained my injuries. A concussion and thirty-four stitches from my hairline, through the end of my eyebrow, ending near my ear. White wrapping adorned the injury, covering it from outside dirt and other germs. Something else on the scans must have caught his eye as he took a deep breath. 

"We found something else while we were doing your scans." He huffed and both Renee and I furrowed our brows in confusion. 

"There are tumors in your kidneys and your liver." My jaw drops as my eyes widen.

"Are they cancerous?" My voice waivers as I hear Renee's breath hitch.

"We believe so. They're the only tumors in your body and we would like to get them removed as soon as possible." 

"How many surgeries?" I search for the blonde's hand. 

"At least two, depending on how serious these tumors are." I breathe deeply, chest freezing at the peak. 

The doctor left and I let out a sob into my hand that wasn't holding onto Renee's for dear life.

"I can't die! I don't want to die! Why the fuck is this happening to me! I can't!" I cry out, the pain sinking in completely.

"This is the end of my career, and maybe even my life. I don't wanna lose this life I have with you."

"Hey. Dev. Dev! You will not lose me, no matter what. This is not the end of anything for you, I know it. You're a fighter, and a Solo, you don't give up." She wraps herself around my shaking body. 

"I love you so much Nee!" I mumble into her.

"I love you too Dev." I watched Renee swing her legs over the side of the bed, grabbing my phone while leaving hers on the bed. 

"Where are you going?" The warmth left the side of my body that the blonde was pressed against.

"Calling your sister, telling her your head is okay. We can call and tell her everything else later." I nodded, watching her step right outside the door, putting the phone up to her ear. 

"Fuck" I call out as pain erupts through my stomach, all the way through to my back. The blonde flips around as I grab at my stomach, almost screaming in pain.

She runs in the room, the phone pushed between her ear and shoulder. Pressing the call button, she holds me up as I fold on myself. 

My vitals spike as doctors come running in and my chest gets tight, not being able to breathe. They told Renee that she had to get out of the room and with tears streaming down her face, she obliges, watching as they lay me back and take me to the OR. 


In the other room, sobs were leaving Renee's mouth, Hope was frantically asking what happened on the other side of the phone. 

"She. I don't. I don't know what happened. One min. One minute she. She was fine. The next. I don't know." The blonde's arm wraps around her middle. She hears Hope tapping on her phone as she gripped onto Devyn's phone for dear life. 

The door to the ED slid open and the brown-haired hockey player walked in.

"Hey" Hillary Knight called out to Renee, seeing the blonde in obvious distress, she took the phone from her and started to talk to her teammate's sister. 

After she hung up the phone, when Hope told her she was getting on the next flight that she could, Hillary grabbed Renee by her biceps, leading her to a chair in the waiting room, both of them anxious about the forward who is in surgery. 


Around six hours of the women sitting in the waiting room, wanting to hear from a surgeon on what was going on with a woman they both cared for, the hockey player's soccer playing sister rushed in the door, setting her eyes on Renee and pulling the woman into a big hug, attempting to ease her future sister-in-law (she could almost bet they would end up together for life), letting the blonde cry into her. 

Hillary elbowed the women as a surgeon walked out and all three of their heads whipped up as the doctor started to walk towards them. 

"She will be in surgery for a little while longer. Something in her kidney caused a bad reaction, almost splitting the organ completely. She has two donor kidneys here and they are working to see if Devyn's body will respond well to them. After that, they are just going to go in and fix her liver and if they cannot remove all of the tumor without completely damaging it, they will resort to a donor liver too." The three women let out a small breath knowing that Devyn was going to be alright. 


Renee was sitting in the chair pushed into the corner of the waiting room, her knees pulled up to her chest, puffy red eyes buried in her legs, mumbling words to herself. 

Hope stood, leaning against the wall, arms crossed, chewing at her fingernails, deep in her thoughts about how she was here and her parents weren't, and she was still pissed at herself because while she had been in Seattle, her sister was here with the love that would last her a lifetime and how she left her sister before when it got hard, wanting to make it up to her. 

Hillary had been texting on and off to the rest of her team and she slid her phone into her pocket, standing up and walking to the water fountain nearby, filling three cups for her and the other women. 

One of the surgeons on her case made his way over to the three women and only after he started talking did Renee look up. 

"They're closing her up right now, everything went great, and we are going to keep her here in order to monitor her and see if the donor organs are taken by her body." Only then did Renee let out an audible sob instead of a sigh of relief.

The goalie walked the couple steps over to the woman she would consider another sister and pulled her into her arms with no hesitation. 

"She's okay" Renee cried out in relief.

"Yeah, she is. You think she would really leave us alone to our own devices?" The question makes the blonde let out a chuckle, finally feeling like she can breathe. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13 ⏰

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