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"Hi," y/n said later that day as she walked into her dad's shop.

Keith was at the front counter and her mother wasn't in sight.

"Hi, this is a nice surprise." Keith said happily.

"Is mum here?" Y/n asked, putting her bag on the counter.

"Why?" Keith asked quickly, and kind of scared.

"I'm not gonna fight, I just have a wedding update." Y/n said, calmly.

"You sure?" Keith raised an eyebrow at her.

"Yes." Y/n said.

"Fiona! Y/n's here!" Keith yelled. "She's not looking for a fight!"

Y/n rolled her eyes.

"Hello y/n." Fiona said, entering the room.

"Hi, mum." Y/n said.

"Brrrr it just got chilly in here." Keith chuckled. Fiona gave him a look, shutting him down.

"I just wanted to let you both know that Georgie and I are going down to City Hall next Friday, and I want you both to be there." She said, smiling at the thought of marrying him.

"City Hall?" Fiona asked, a horrified yet sad look on her face. "Is that really what you want?"

"Well, it isn't our first choice but after everything it's all we can afford." Y/n shrugged.

"Of course we will be there." Keith said before Fiona could say something negative.

"If you want a bigger wedding, we'll pay for it." Fiona said quickly, shocking her daughter and husband.

"What?" Y/n asked, her throat going dry from shock.

"I'm gonna—" Keith started but cut himself off and left the room as he saw a fight brewing.

"I don't wanna fight." Fiona said, calmly walking towards her.

"I just want to be apart of my granddaughter's life. And apart of your life." She added.

"And Georgie's." Y/n gave her a look.

Fiona nodded unconvincingly.

"And if a big wedding is what's gonna make you happy then I want to do that for you." Fiona continued.

"Catch?" Y/n asked.

"No catch." Fiona said quickly. "And if you want to get married at City Hall, that's fine too."

Y/n had a utter look of confusion and fright on her face.

Her mother was being weird.

"I just want to make things right between us." Fiona added, seeing the look on y/n's face.

"Okay." Y/n finally let her breath out. "Thank you."

"Hug?" Fiona asked, opening her arms slightly.

𝘚𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘦𝘯 (Georgie Cooper x reader) Where stories live. Discover now