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Y/N was devastated the next day. She hasn't gotten one call back and it upset her. Manny was trying his hardest to cheer her up but nothing worked.

"Do you want another cat?" He suggests.


"Cheer up, Spike would turn up."


"Hey umm...I've been doing a lot of thinking lately and I would like to ask you of something." Y/N looked at the nervous man, frowning a bit. "Umm...I wanted to ask if you would like to go on a date with me." Manny exhaled as if he'd been purposely holding his breath.


"It's just one date. Just you and I. I'll pay for everything. I just...please just once?"


Y/N turned away from him and her answer shocked him. Manny wasn't expecting a straightforward no. He's been hinting at her his feelings from the moment she got here. He gave her a job because she was so innocent and pretty as well. He didn't even need workers then. He was just so infatuated with her. Wanting to keep her close and guarded by his side.

"If you don't I'll fire you. I mean it's just one date. I-I gave you a job. Consider it an owe." Manny chuckled lightly. Y/N knew his tone was far from sarcastic and playful, he was being dead serious. It made her a bit...disappointed at the fact that Manny would want to fire her if she doesn't go out with him.

But...to be left alone, why not. So she smiled, her eyes pinching together. "Sure, I'd love to go."

Manny smiled and nodded. "Awesome. I'll take you to dinner. I could pick you up around nine tonight. I've been dying to try this new sushi place downtown. It's a bit expensive but anything for you." He blurts out behind a grin. Y/N couldn't care less about what it was Manny was blabbing about.

There was a jingle of the store's door, indicating that someone had just entered. Y/N's eyes darted and her heart skipped a beat upon gazing at the person. Tall, fair stubble, long black hair dropping over his shoulders, scar by his eye. It's him.

She remembers seeing him just yesterday. He had been walking without someone else. He's even more handsome up close. Manny noticed Y/N staring and cleared his throat. To him, Aizawa didn't look that appealing. If anything, he looked like a homeless person due to what he's wearing and how dark circles are vivid under his eyes.

Lack of sleep.

"Can I help you sir?" Manny's tone was assertive, aggressive even. Aizawa's eyes gazed away from the meowing cats and looked at the counter. His eyes caught Y/N's who's still staring at him in admirable silence.

Aizawa thought her cute, but he didn't fully go into thought about her. His eyes drifts to Manny who's nearly glaring. Aizawa pranced over to the counter, lifting his hands to show Spike.

"I saw the flyer and I don't know if this is the missing cat but...I happened to find him a few days ago. Perhaps, this could be the cat you're looking for." Technically found it. Y/N looked at Spike and held out her hands as Aizawa handed her the cat.

He didn't want to come here and give away the bit of company he has grown fond of over the past few days. But, it's not his cat either, Spike doesn't belong to him.

Y/N examined Spike, looking for the singular white dot hidden in his fur. She searched, her eyes drifting from Spike to Aizawa. Aizawa just gazed around, his eyes eventually landing on Manny who's now got his arms crossed.

"I found it!" Y/N beams. She scooped Spike up and hugged the cat. He meowed. Y/N grinned. "Gosh I missed you so much buddy. I promise I wasn't going to give you a bath." Another meow.

Y/N set Spike down and made her way around the counter. She rushed up to Aizawa and hugged him by surprise. Aizawa stiffened at the action, not expecting a surprise hug from a complete stranger. Y/N pressed her body further against his, catching his bodily scent.

He smells amazing. To be true, she was not expecting such a manly scent from him due to how his exterior looks.

"Thank you so much! You're like a hero."

"U-um, you're welcome."

Y/N pulled back and took Aizawa's hands on hers. "Thank you so much for keeping Spike safe and sound. I owe you one, really I do."

Aizawa hid his blush. "That's fine, really."

"Oh, and considering you found him you get a new cat in return!" She explains. Y/N tugged Aizawa behind her towards a display of cats and pointed.

"You should definitely get a ginger cat."

All of the cats purred and meowed to be picked. Aizawa was controlling himself to not buy every single one. Manny didn't like how close Y/N was to Aizawa though. How tight she hugged his arm in excitement.

"He's not getting a free cat." Manny intervenes. Y/N looked back at him in shock and confusion.

"What? But he brought Spike back to me. He's got to get one."

"Y/N, this man could be homeless or a creep or something."

"What? He's not a homeless creep." She crossed her arms, defending a man she's only just met.

"Look at him Y/N. Come on step away from him."

Aizawa didn't care much for conflict, but the fact that Manny thought him to be homeless made him chuckle.

"Homeless?" Y/N's ears flared when she heard his voice. Deep and groggy, almost as if he just woke up. Aizawa exhaled, tucking his hands into his pants pockets. "I'm a professor, actually. If that eases your malice towards me."

Manny glared and crossed his arms. "Oh yeah? Which college?" Aizawa stared at him for a long time. Again, he didn't care, but Manny seemed to really want an answer.

"UA." Aizawa responds tersely. When Manny heard the name he stiffened. He always wanted to go to UA. That's the college that only the best of the best goes to.

"Just get your cat and leave." He grumbles.

Aizawa exhaled a breath and turned on his heel, leaving. Y/N called after him. "Wait!" She quickly grabbed a ginger cat from its place and went over to the counter.

"I'll pay for him, I just want to give it to him as a thanks." As much as Manny didn't want to, he did so anyways. He tied a blue bow carefully around the neck of the cat and handed her to Y/N.

"Just be careful." He mumbles.

"Watch Spike for me until I get back!" Y/N calls as she ran out of the shop to catch up to Aizawa. She ran, skipped, and pranced through people, but she didn't see him. Y/N stopped and looked around, her eyes darting on the other side of the road. She huffs, a heavy cough leaving her mouth.

"Dammit." The cat meowed, having Y/N look down at her. "I know...he's gone." But there was one thing that stuck with her. He works at UA. Y/N's never heard of it before, but she made it her duty to find him and give to him what's his.

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