| 《 No. 2 》 |

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| 《♡ Familiarity ♡》 |

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| 《♡ Familiarity ♡》 |

Y/N was on Sandy's ship, resting on the chair while Sandy puts on the seat belt for her. "So, how was your visit with Monkey king?" Sandy asked politely, smiling gently and finished applying the seat belt to your waist. "Ah, it was good.." Y/N sighed. "You.. Didn't mind visiting him, right?" Sandy rubs his neck, glancing away nervously.

Sandy knew about Y/N's rivalry with Monkey king. She told him stories about it and probably go to him for comfort. She still likes Monkey king a bit, but she doesn't want her heart to be broken again.. Or that's what Sandy heard at least. Y/N confessed a few centuries back and they actually dated, the only problem is that he falls out of love quickly..

"At least you were comfortable" Sandy smiled and kissed her forehead. Y/N smiles back and chuckles faintly, "You're the best, Sandy.." Y/N sighed. "Thanks, N/N! I appreciate it" Sandy chuckled, "Do you need tea?" Sandy added shortly. Y/N shook her head and said, "no thanks."

"Thanks for picking me up, by the way." Y/N added after and gave Sandy a small thumbs up. "No problem!" Sandy smiled and began to steer the ship, heading back to megapolis. "So Y/N thought that the blue guy is the best in her eyes?" Monkey king thought, in his butterfly form as he listens to their conversation.

"I shouldn't probably do this, but I just have to.." Monkey king thought, flying into the ship, landing on the arm rest on Y/N's seat where she was seat belt in. Y/N glances at the butterfly, feeling that sense of familiarity, she instantly knew and deadpanned, glaring at the butterfly.

"Really, Wukong?" Y/N whispered, the butterfly sighed and went closer to her. "You still remembered?" Y/N couldn't even take Monkey king any more serious, now that his voice was very high pitched. "Yes, why?" Y/N replied to Monkey King's question.

"So you actually still remember me, N/N-" Suddenly, a shadow was above the butterfly, causing it to look up, revealing a big hand. "Don't ever call me that nickname. I don't like it.." Y/N furrowed her eyebrows, frowning. So did Monkey king. "Why?? It's just a cute nickname, N/N-" "If you call me that ever again, I'll squish you. I'm not joking anymore."

Y/N threatened as she raised her hand higher, ready to squish this stupid butterfly without question whatsoever. "Okay, okay! Geez!!" Monkey king muttered to himself, causing Y/N to move her hand away and sigh. "Why are you here?" She asked. "Easy, cause I missed you!" The butterfly replied. "Um, okay." Y/N replied shortly after a small pause. "Hey, N/N!" Sandy went to check up on Y/N, which causes Monkey king to get jealous. "Who were you talking to?" Sandy asked, "No one." Y/N shrugged, chuckling softly.

Sandy smiled and gave her a small thumbs up before he went back to steering the ship. "How come Sandy can call you by your nickname but I can't?" Monkey king asked, feeling jealous that Sandy was allowed to call Y/N by her nickname, but not him.

"It's because I trust Sandy more than you, easy as that" Y/N replied casually, causing Monkey King to become more jealous. "How?! I've known you for centuries!" The butterfly exclaimed, feeling shocked that Y/N would ignore their friendship back then. Well, Y/N had the right to ignore it, "Because we always agree with eachother..?" Y/N replied, glaring at Monkey king while he was in his butterfly form. "Uhh- Well, I have to go!" The butterfly chuckled nervously, beginning to fly away from the ship and back to Flower Fruit Mountain. Y/N sighed and rested in her seat.

\| An hour passed, Y/N made it to her apartment |/

Y/N finally made it into her apartment, it was already night by the time the ship made it back to megapolis. Y/N was really exhausted was all I know. She was tired, since there was a storm while the ship continued to sail to megapolis.

Currently, Y/N was in her apartment room, resting on the couch as MK sat beside her and Mei on the carpet, watching a movie. "How's the movie, guys?" Y/N asked, glancing at MK, then at Mei. "It's pretty good!" Mei smiled sweetly at her. "Yeah, I agree with Mei!" MK added.

"Oh yeah! By the way, Y/N. I found this cute stray cat and I thought that you would like it!" Mei shows Y/N a Dark furred cat with a scar on its eye. "Oh, I wonder what happened to this cat's eye.." Y/N gently took the cat into her arms and examined the eye. MK felt a small sense of familiarity because of the stray cat. It looked familiar, "Why does it seem familiar??" MK took the dark furred cat and glances at it. Y/N nodded, "Yeah, MK's right.."

"You two should probably go, it's already so late.." Y/N added shortly and chuckles nervously. "Thanks for the cat as well, Mei.." Y/N added shortly, "No problem!" Mei nodded, giving her a small kiss on the forehead. MK watches with a smug expression and chuckled. Y/N began to blush a bit, "Uh-"

"Alright! We have to leave, goodbye!" MK's face flushes a bit before he grabs his staff and left with Mei, also with her face flushed. "What just happened?" Y/N questions herself, the cat began to nuzzle into her face, causing Y/N to giggle softly.

"Aw, you cute little thing! I'll just name you P/N" Y/N smiled, placing the cat on top of her bed and grabbing some cat food. The cat began to purr faintly as it got down from the bed and went over to Y/N. "Hm?" Y/N raised an eyebrow and grabbed the cat food, grabbing a bowl as well and placing some cat food into it. She feeds P/N the cat food and smiled, watching the cat eat the food she poured into the bowl.

After that, the cat began to move towards her and nuzzle her hand, purring faintly. "Aw! Ill take you to bed!" Y/N takes the cat into her arms and took it to bed, placing it on top of it gently.

"This is perfect." Macaque thought to himself

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| 《 5 / 21 / 24 》 |
Rewritten only a lil tjo

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