About My Life

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Hey everyone how are you guys doing? Sorry that I have not uploaded a story for a while. I've been busy keeping up with my assignments at online school and some struggles in my family unfortunately 😞. Yo you know what happened to me on the bus a few weeks ago? So there was this very rude lady who was cussing out everyone being really mean and rude to people and everyone and was not being nice and she kept yelling at everyone. So she was in front of me and got on the bus and I got on the bus and payed and she was in the way with her grocery cart and was not moving. She was in everyone's way with her and her cart. So she looked back at me and said "MOVE MOVE GO THE FUCK IN FRONT OF ME! YOU DUMBASS BITCH!". She yelled at me saying that. Like bro she was in the freaking way with her big ass grocery cart and second no one even stood up for me on the bus. I did nothing wrong to the lady but I was too scared to say anything cause I didn't want her to put her hands on me. I'm still a minor and she would get in extremely big trouble if she were to put her hands on me. Well even if I wasn't a minor she could still get in big trouble for that. Like bro how is she gonna talk to a kid like that? I'm still technically a child cause I'm under 18. And she's yelling at a 17 year old child like that? Like nah that's honestly crazy. I even cried once I got home cause I get scared and my feelings get hurt when I get yelled at. And I was so embarrassed I almost cried in front of everyone on the bus. But I cried once I got home. Like it's honestly crazy how she spoke to a child like that who's still under 18. Honestly she shouldn't be speaking to anyone like that. Everyone has feelings and everyone's feelings do matter. She was being mean to everyone. I told my family about her and they were pissed about what happened and how she treated me and cussed me out me yelling at me. She was the one not moving in front of everyone on the bus with her grocery cart. She lives close to me unfortunately and I was on the same bus with her before I went on the bus to go home too. Honestly I don't know what's wrong with that lady. And she embarrassed me and scared me and made me feel really bad about myself. That's crazy how she spoke to people like that especially a child. I am still considered a child since I am still under 18. But yes I am gonna be an adult soon. But I'm still a minor but still she shouldn't speak to anyone like that. Anyways my life has been okay I guess. My big sister has been having some issues with her kids and her husband and I don't even know what's going on with her over there. But I heard she may come and stay over here for a bit with me and my parents. It would be nice to see my older sister since I bearly see her and don't see her very often. Sadly my big sister has never been there for me in my life growing up and I bearly saw her growing up. I only saw her a few times in my life. I saw her when I was 4 then I was 9 then I was 11 then 12 then 13 and then 16 and I saw her a few months ago in November of 2023. I only saw her 7 times in my life. Which honestly hurts cause she's my older sister and we didn't really see each other often as I grew up. She lives in a different state and now that she has two kids she's extremely busy. But she is having some issues over there and needs a bit of help of what she's going through. I hope her and her husband and kids are all okay. And my parents have been a bit of annoying here and there but been getting better. I recently saw my grandmother for Easter last Sunday. I just wish me and my family would see each other more often but we all live in different states and everyone is working and really busy. Well I may see my big sister soon this year hopefully. And luckily I got to meet my two nephews in November of 2023 when my older sister and brother in law came for thanksgiving. Well luckily today later I will be going out to eat in a restaurant with my parents. We go out to eat every weekends and I enjoy eating out with my parents. It's a fun time and I'm always looking forward to every weekend and besides lol no school. Well that's gonna be it for this story ya'll. Well have a great day and have a great rest of ya'll weekend. See ya'll next time. Peace ✌️

Also here's a song lol

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06 ⏰

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