chapter 8

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seokmin pov

my conscience stirred as i awoke on the couch of my dorm room. this time, i wasnt hungover out of my mind, though it felt like i was. my limbs were warm and tangled in the arms of another. the rising sun filtered through the blinds of the windows. memories of yesterday came flooding back to me as i watched the light brown haired boy holding me in his arms.

did i forgive him yesterday? if anything i knew id forgive him now. waking up together like this felt just like it did when we were kids who stayed up too late during a sleepover. i knew if i were to ever wake up next to someone itd be him. wait that sounded weird. whatever. it was strange; how we could go back to how it was so easily. how we almost forgot the years we spent hating each other to wake up like this. he was so peaceful as light snores escaped his slightly hung open jaw. i shifted slowly to get out of the big tangle of arms and legs. jerking a little too hard in on direction, joshua groaned sleepily.

"morning." i swept his long bangs out of the way of his face.

he responded by tightening his arms back around me, pulling me back into the warm embrace we had fallen asleep in. this was something i knew i could learn to get used to.

joshua pov

the sun stood tall in the late morning sky. we hadnt moved much from our position before, just disentangling our arms and legs and instead leaning into each others warmth. the winter season was on the way and the temperature was gradually dropping. the first fall of snow was forecasted soon. weekends where there were no lessons were always my favourite. i could sleep in and laze away the whole morning. however, today, i spent it next to seokmin. our eyes were puffy from the emotions last night.

"hey" i whispered softly.


"do you really forgive me?" the words left my lips barely audible.

in response, he reached for my hand and gave it a tight squeeze.

"well do you forgive me?"

i squeezed his hand back.

"yes i do."

he breathed out a laugh as we watched our hands fit together. my thumb swiped over his as we sat in another moment in silence.

"come on lets get you to eat." i pushed myself off the couch, willing for him to get up as well.

his hand hung lazily as it clutched onto mine, his body stuck down to the couch.

"min, you have to eat."

he groaned tiredly. "you dont have to take care of me"

"yes i do. i promised your dad i would. and im ready to fulfil his wish now"

his hand gripped tighter as he pulled himself up to his feet. for that morning, all i noticed was how we barely let each other go.


seokmin pov

hoshi 🐯
| the dance exam is in like a week
| have you practised yet?
| you dont have to practice with joshua if you dont want to
| seok???

| uhmm
| i think ill practise with joshua now
| we kinda
| made up?

hoshi 🐯

| yeah kinda..
| but i guess it just feels like it did years ago yk?
| hes literally cooking me breakfast rn

hoshi 🐯
| im so lost what even happened

| he kinda came over last night
| i told him to go away but he kept apologising
| and i kinda just broke
| and we fell asleep on the couch together
| so here we are ig??

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