Snow White and Fanged Beauty

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It was another session, Pastel*Palettes just finished celebrating Chisato's birthday and were about to relax in their meeting room.

"Oh, here they come."

Tōrinori said, getting into position.

And as that door opened, a bunch of party poppers set off, surprising the blonde and her friends.

"Happy Birthday!"

They exclaimed, the idol band, Яverb, must give a heartfelt greeting to their dear junior's birthday.


Aya exclaimed.

"Hello there, sorry for barging in unannounced, but we just had to celebrate.

Satori said, giving a gentle smile.

"Of course, one person here was more than excited to have preparations."

Lana said, turning to none other than Chisato's partner, Yumiko Valor, who was holding a cake for the girl.


Chisato said, she was speechless, even after so many times, he never forgot, always sending letters, and now that he moved back a couple of years back, there hasn't been one birthday that he missed.

"Of course I wouldn't forget, Chi. Or do you prefer me calling you blondie?"

He teased, making sure his white hair wouldn't touch the cake.

"Oh, someone has some bravado today."

Chisato fired back.

"In that case, Miko, I brought my old clothes, so get in them!"

She exclaimed, a happy smile on her face.

With a sigh, he took the clothes gave looked at her.

"Of all the things you could ask me, you tell me to get in your old clothes..."

He complained.

"Of course! I'm so glad I kept it to be honest, and it isn't my fault you look so good in them."

She replied as he went to the side to change.

"Chisato-san, happy birthday! If things get hard, just know that you can rely on your senpais over here!"

Lana exclaimed.

"That's reassuring, Lana-chan."

Chisato replied, with Yumiko coming back.

"I'm back, do you like it?"

Yumiko then asked for their opinions, to which everyone's reaction...was getting their phones and taking pictured of him.

"This is so going online!"

Satori exclaimed.

"Well...not the first time...Chi-chan...I want to ask...are you..."

He tried to ask but, Chisato smiled and kissed his cheek.

"Yes, I'm more than happy."

She said, that smile was everything...

"Oh right, I got you this too. It's a new card and I thought you might like it."

He said, holding a card out.

"Hm~? What's this...?"

She asked, opening the small box.

"Well, it's a small thing from Malisa and I. Well, Aichi too of course."

He said, revealing a small necklace.

"Well, it ain't much, but hey, Aichi really wanted to thank you for everything."

He said, Chisato then went in for a hug, of course, everyone saw this and couldn't help but be happy for the couple.

"Alright love birds, stop whatever this is and have some food, Yumiko here made a lot!"


A brief moment of repose...

"Hey, who said you get to look like we're at the end of an anime!"

Lana exclaimed, turning to their leader.

"Let's eat before Satori or Tōrinori eat everything."

She then teased, which made Satori look at her.

"Hey, we aren't related to Yumiko! I swear, he's the only one with an appetite that big!"

Satori then retorted, with everyone just laughing along.

It isn't much but...

Chisato...your shine is a lot more brilliant than you think...

"Chi-chan, I made your favorite, açaí na tigela. I have no idea if I pronounced that right."

Yumiko complained, but nonetheless, presented her favorite dish in front of her.

"I think you butchered the pronunciation, but thank you regardless, Miko."

She said, giving her usual tender smile towards Yumiko.

"Oh right, after this, Miko here gets the boyfriend of the year award!"

Lana exclaimed.

"Not so sure about that...but if it's any consolation, we have a date in that restaurant you've always wanted to go to."

Yumiko said, with Chisato's eyes going wide.

"That French restaurant by the station!? How did you get a reservation there...?!"

She asked, to which he just turned to Vyrrah.

"I know the owner there, they said that they would be more than happy to host Yumiko."

She stated, huh...the amount of connections that girl has is scary in all honesty, but nonetheless, right now, it's helpful.

"Hey, Chi-chan...thanks..."

She then turned to him, and simply looked at him in confusion.

"I don't recall doing anything, Snow White."

She commented, crossing her arms with a smirk on her face.

Yumiko couldn't help but laugh as well, after all...

"I know...thanks as well..."

After all...

To Valor Yumiko...Shirasagi Chisato...that hand that reached out on that day...

Was the day that lead him to today...

To, rather...

To Miko...

That gentle hand that day...

"Come on, Blondie."

The hand that reached out that day, was the hand that opened him up, to a world beyond brilliance.

A world, where they now shine.

A story...

Of overcoming endless hardships for a bright future. Going through battle after battle, having each others' backs, this is a story of two characters that choose to stand against even the world.

A story of the most unlikely duo.

The Snow White Prince and the Blonde Fanged Beauty

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26 ⏰

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