✦ { Kailyn } There's Only You

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Client: HappyEndingWriter

Reviewer: Kailucy

Cover: 10/10

I love the cover. The color scheme, the photo, and the fonts all look great together. It goes perfectly with the genre.

Title: 10/10

The title is simple and to the point. It fits the genre and the storyline perfectly.

Blurb: 9/10

The blurb is great. It's simple but introduces the main character and the conflict. It raised a question and made me want to see what would happen.

Character: 10/10

The characters are well-written. I love Olive so much. She's a great friend to Bella and hope that doesn't change over the course of the story. I adore Bella, her inner monologue is perfect! The characters were full of life and practically jumped off the page.

Plot: 19/20

The prologue was a creative way to open. The fact that Bella and Zach were born on the same day is so adorable!

Every chapter began with a hook and each chapter added to either the plot or character development or both. I wonder what will happen next. Will Kayden and Bella actually get together eventually and if so, when and how? Or does she get over him? And the mysterious messages from the number! Is that going to be the person from the past that is mentioned in the blurb, or a murderer? (I need to stop watching crime shows)

Writing style: 19/20

Your writing style fits this book perfectly and Bella has a great voice. Her POV really drew me in and made me want to keep reading. I mentioned it above, but her inner monologue is perfect! A few of her thoughts made me laugh out loud (and I was in my living room)

When she broke down to her mom, it broke my heart. Especially when she said, "The bleeding won't stop," what a line! What an utterly heartbreaking line.

Grammar/spelling/vocabulary: 9/10

I only noticed one thing and that was that in chapter one, at the top of the page, it said "Chapter 18" other than that I didn't notice anything. But I do sometimes overlook things.

Enjoyment: 10/10

I really enjoyed what I read so far and can't wait to read more. There are so many things that I need the answers to. Especially the thing with the weird number cause now I'm convinced it's a stalker/murderer, although realistically I know it's probably not. I'm looking forward to bingeing it over the weekend.

Overall: 96/100

Overall, your story is great. The characters are lovely and the plot is fun. Keep writing!

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