Comfort Level Rising | Colby Brock

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Summary: anon request - "Could you do a Colby brock x reader smut where he makes the reader squirt for the first time and she gets a little embarrassed"

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Summary: anon request - "Could you do a Colby brock x reader smut where he makes the reader squirt for the first time and she gets a little embarrassed"

Warnings: SMUT18+, strong language, squirting, fingering, filth



"Fuck. Fuck." You screamed out, tossing your head back as you back arched off the bed.

"Come on, baby. You're so close." Colby says softly while three of his fingers are thrusting in and out of you, "So close."

You can feel the build up at its peak, point of breaking through.

Colby leans down, planting kisses on your chest before lifting it and pressing a sloppy kiss to your lips. You let out a groan against them, squeezing his fingers hard.

You fist the sheets, letting out a pleasured scream, "Fuck. Fuck."

Colby slips his fingers out and rubs vigorously over your clit. You look down, seeing droplets from your soaked core fly around before Colby fingers come to a complete stop.

Your eyes move to his, cheeks burning hotter by the second. It felt like an hour of awkward silence went by before you sputtered out, "I'm.. fu-ck.."

Your breathing still rapid, "I'm so s-sorry.. I-I di-didnt even.."

Colby scoffs, stopping you from you nervous ramble, "Sorry?" His jaw goes slightly slack as he shakes his head and leans down, face inches from hours, "That.. was hot as fuck, baby."

You feel his hand move between your legs, his fingers pressing to your sensitive clit, "I'm getting you to do that again."


Thank you so much for reading, ilysm! 🖤 as always, be sure to let me know what you think! 

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