Sweet Surprise

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The next morning, Taehyung entered the classroom with Jimin, But Taehyung stopped as his eyes landed on his desk

there was a heart shaped box of Ferrero Rocher chocolates, On top of the chocolates there was a small purple card

Taehyung's fingers brushed against the smooth paper, He picked the purple colored card up, With a deep breath, he unfolded the card.

"Hey love, Sorry I couldn't see you this morning. I have some important work
Look, I got you some chocolates. They're sweet, just like your lips.."

Love you so much
Jeon Jungkook

Taehyung reread the note again and again with a silly smile decorated in his face

Taehyung smiled as he unwrapped one of the Ferrero Rocher chocolate plopping it in his mouth, he closed his eyes savoring the sweetness in his tongue

Jimin was about to grab a chocolate for himself, Taehyung playfully snatched the box away, holding behind his back with a sly smile

"Wow tae!" Jimin exclaimed, "You've changed, haven't you? After getting a boyfriend, you've completely forgotten about your best friend" He pouted playfully.

"Come on, don't be so dramatic, Jimin," he chuckled, pushing the box back towards his friend.

"Here, take one before I eat them all."

Jimin's pout instantly transformed into a wide smile. He snatched the box with lightning speed and the started unwrapping the covers.

Jimin grabbed three chocolates at once, putting them on top of each other.

With a teasing smile he shoved all three chocolates into his mouth at the same time making taehyung gasp

The school bell rang, signaling the end of another class. Taehyung gathered his things, putting his notebooks into his backpack they walked out of the class, chatting about the upcoming project

Suddenly, their conversation stopped. they saw a boy sitting alone against the lockers, He looked about their age, maybe a little younger, with thick glasses on his nose and his hair slightly greasy.

tears were streaming down the boy's cheeks. He was sniffling and wiping his eyes with his sleeves, Taehyung recognized this boy. He'd seen him around the college before

This boy always gets bullied by the students, especially by the older students.

Taehyung had seen them hitting this poor boy before, shoving him in the hallways, tripping him with their feet, or even slapping him on the back of the head.

It always made Taehyung feel terrible,
He wanted to help, to stand up for the boy, but he was scared. What if the bullies target him too?

Taehyung was about to look away feeling helpless. he was about to walk past the crying boy but stopped when a loud chattering arised in the hallway. Students started whispering excitedly

"Jk hyung is here!!!"

taehyung turned back feeling curiosity replacing his worry.

Who was Jk hyung? Every students eyes on the end of the hallway.

Suddenly, a tall figure dressed in all black walked inside, Black hoodie, black ripped jeans, a black beanie pulled low over his forehead and a black mask covering his face

His walk seemed to hold dominance and power, and the students parted like the Red Sea, creating a clear path for him, his eyes scanning the crowd until they landed on the crying boy on the floor

Jk walked towards boy in a few long strides. The boy was sniffling and wiping his tears he looked up at Jungkook with wide, scared eyes.

Jk carefully helped the boy to his feet

The crying boy mumbled something to jk while wiping his tears, his voice barely a whisper. Jk nodded his head

Suddenly, Jungkook turned around, his deep charcoal orbs landing right on the group of bullies who was standing there Their faces were once smug and cruel, were now pale with terror.

"Huh? J-Jk hyung?!"

one of them stammered, his voice cracking in fear, None of them had expected Jk hyung to show up, it looked like those bullies were about to pee in their pants

Jk started walking towards them, Each step seemed to echoed in the silent hallway, making the bullies step back in fear

Their braveness completely gone replaced by immense fear. They clutched their hands tightly, biting their lips so hard they seemed to turn white.

Taehyung watched in amazement as Jk hyung stopped right in front of them. He clenched his fists so tightly his knuckles turned white

The bullies looked like they were about to cry, Jungkook's mere presence held such power and intensity that they seemed frozen in place.

Without a single word, Jungkook raised his fists. The bullies flinched back, their eyes wide with terror.

In a flash, Jungkook's fist connected with the bully's jaw, he groaned in pain falling on the ground

The other bullies gasped in fear seeing their leader lying unconscious on the floor,

jk raised his fists again they gasped running out of the hallway without even trying to fight with jk

Jimin turned to Taehyung with wide eyes

"Who is he?" Taehyung shook his head, still processing everything he had just seen. "I- I don't know chim"

Suddenly they heard a voice of a girl named Nayeon, who had been watching the scene with a big smile on her face,

"Oh, come on, you guys are kidding, right?? That's JK hyung, everyone knows him!"

Nayeon's smiled widened as she watched Jk walked away from there, the crowd started cheering for him He was their hero, their "Jk hyung,"

Jk was halfway down the hallway when he suddenly stopped in his tracks. He turned his head slowly, His eyes scanned over the crowd, and then... it landed on Taehyung.

Taehyung's breath hitched in his throat. Across the distance, their eyes met. Those dark eyes, he knows those familiar pair of eyes

For a moment, time stopped for taehyung, The cheering crowd faded into the background, Taehyung felt his heart skip a beat under the weight of Jk's stare,

with a final longing look, Jungkook turned and continued walking away, leaving Taehyung standing there speechless.

with a final longing look, Jungkook turned and continued walking away, leaving Taehyung standing there speechless

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