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It was a great,lil hot, sunny day today so they decided to go for a walk but they later ended up on the beach having some fun

Rep: Love it's so nice today we could spend the day out
Lover: Sureee
Rep: Get ready cuz I have so many plans already
Lover: Okay

They got ready and ofc they went holding hands all the time. They were all day out , sharing cute moments and talks

Lover: Come here reppy
Rep: Do you want ice cream
Lover: Yessss
Rep: Come here
Lover: M do you wanna try mine and me yours
Rep: Sure
Lover: Yours is so delicious too
Rep: I like yours too
Lover: Look how nice
Rep: Nothing better than being with my love out holding hands, eating ice cream and walking through the city now when everything's blooming
Lover: You're so cute
Rep: We need to take some photos
Lover: I'll send them to Mid
Rep: OMG did you talk with her today
Lover: Not yet I didn't text her anything I was sleeping with you, remember when you said something but I told you sure I'm gonna text her tmm like today but yeah I still didn't
Rep: Oh okay send her photos first then tell her the rest
Lover: Okay

They finish eating ice cream and at 1 moment stop in the middle of all of the flowers around them. Rep takes some photos of them and cute ,funny , hot ones

Rep: Don't send it all to her okay
Lover: AHAHAHA dww hottie
Rep ( puts hands on her waist ) love, did you notice how this is  kinda like a romantic date
Lover: Mmmm it kinda could be
Rep: You make me feel every sec so in love like I don't even know could I fall in love even more with you , I'm just insanely attracted to you , I wanna guard you and be only yours all the time (puts hands on her face)
Lover: It's the way you look at me, it's the way you tell me cute love things , I don't even know too could I be sm more in love with you as we're already so obsessed with each other (laughs) but baby I feel so safe with you and ik I'll want only you forever
Rep (puts hands on her waist again and kisses her slowly)
Lover: Mmmm

Rep stops and smiles at her, seeing Lover smiling at her too she keeps kissing her a lil more

Lover: Ilysm my baby (hugs her really tight)
Rep: What if I do more (squeezes her to herself)
Lover: I think then we both love each other equally cuz it's impossible someone does more huh
Rep: Right (whispers) wanna continue to the beach
Lover: Sure

Rep takes her hand and they keep walking to the beach. When they come there they see really pretty sea, the sun,but they're all alone

Lover: OMG reppy look at thattt it's so nice
Rep: And unbelievably we're fullyyy alone
Lover: You tryna be hot now but we don't even have bikinis
Rep: Who said we'd need them
Lover: Whattt are you thinking huh
Rep: How about you undress yourself and we change ourselves later into sth else
Lover: And where's your bag with other clothes
Rep: Oh my love I planned absolutely all dw
Lover: Hmmm okay

They undress themselves and run to the sea holding hands

Lover(screams) REPPYYY
Rep(laughs, picks her up)
Lover( wraps legs around her waist, smiles to her) ily
Rep: Love
Lover: M
Rep: I so wanna undress these 2 things too
Lover: Ofc yesterday night wasn't enough
Rep: That was yesterday buttt today is now
Lover: Yk what fuck it you could do that if you want it but I thought I'd have you like that tonight in our bed
Rep: Are you afraid someone could come
Lover: M no I just like being intimate with you where only us know what we're doing
Rep: Yeah
Lover: Mhm
Rep: It's the things you have on yourself you're so attractive sometimes I just can't survive yk
Lover: Don't you think it's the same here sometimes too
Rep (laughs) sure

Rep's spinning her around in the sea ,kissing her neck and lips ,holding her butt. After some time they get out from the sea and change into sth else. They now walk back home

Lover: Aaaaahh that was really phenomenal AHAHAHAHA
Rep: You're gonna enjoy even more soon
Lover: Oh yeah
Rep: Aha
Lover: What about texting Mid
Rep: She can wait
Lover: Mmmm ( kisses her)
Rep: Come, we're gonna shower , eat sth and continue the fun
Lover: Okay

Rep: Is it delicious
Lover: Not like you
Rep: Mhm just wait
Lover: I love everything what you make us
Rep: Ik

They're done with eating so they go straight to their room in bed to continue the fun. Rep tells her how's she so happy about the day how they spent it really great and Lover tells her that her fav part was beach time. They kiss sm and make love. Mid can wait as Rep said. After 3 hours full of sharing and making love, kissing and cuddling, cute talks ,smiles and laughs they fall asleep in each other happy like always

NOTE- HEEEY so like this one I couldn't stop imaging it , it's so fuckin cute aaahh! Ofc they always end up making love. Just that yk you won't find here that I don't write for months and weeks,but not every day too. You can find new parts after a few days we'll see. If it passes a whole week then it's school , but I definitely won't disappear for weeks/months. You'll definitely see sth new on the weekends or some days when I'm at home most of the time just enjoying. You can freely write me comments about your thoughts, I expect so many  Lovertation fans here❤️

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