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• STARTED: 29/1/24
FINISHED: 6/4/24

• FANDOM/S: Ni No Kuni: Wrath of The White Witch

• OC/S: Ruby, Amber

• SHIPS: None

• SUMMARY: Ruby was on Old Smoky, pondering their thoughts. A green magical rift opened, sucking them in and now they're outside Amber's tree house. How will the excitable mechanic react to this?

• EXTRA STUFF: Sēcrētus means secret in latin.

Basically a rewrite/remake of 'Crazy? You're Not Crazy Silly!', but the story has a freaking ending this time. Has some of Ruby's new lore.

The only place mentioned is Old Smoky from Ni No Kuni. It talks about a boss fight you fight there during story (mentioned only briefly).

Mentions of violence and death.

This oneshot is 2000+ words long, have fun.


Old Smoky was as hot as always. Lava sometimes spewed out of certain areas that Ruby just narrowly avoided. They wish they had fire resistance as one of their abilities, but the stupid phoenix that granted them fire manipulation didn't allow them to have that. What a shame. Ruby felt the heat of the volcano as they walked up to the summit of it. This reminded them of Asher Ridge in Madori, as it had a volcano with some type of guardian on it. That volcano was usually off-limits since it was seen as a sacred place, but on this one, you can go up it whenever you please.

Familiars left and right stared at Ruby as they slowly climbed up the volcano. They didn't know what to think of the mysterious human that's wandering in their infernal home. One was about to attack Ruby, however, they manipulated the fire around them to attack the poor familiar and instantly made it disappear with one attack. This led to later familiars running away from the villain that was walking among them. Ruby swore that some purple-haired idiot said that familiars can sense magic and how powerful you are and will just run away. This led Ruby to wonder if it's because they have no ties to this world at all that it makes the familiars question whether they should attack or not.

Once Ruby reached the summit, they sighed in relief that the trek all the way from the desert to here was over. Even though they can teleport, they feel like they rely on it too much, which made Ruby walk up the volcano like an idiot instead. "Why did I do that?" they muttered to themself, panting in between their words. Old Smoky was a long trek up to the top, and not many like the idea of trying to resist its heat as they're surrounded by familiars and have the potential to fall off it or into lava.

After a short while, Ruby was just sitting around the volcano, messing with the fire powers and occasionally shooting them in random directions. Then they heard something unfamiliar to them. The space near them was being twisted and distorted. An emerald-green portal appeared near Ruby, like it was calling them to come closer and explore whatever was in there. They got up and stood still as they looked at the portal that had just appeared in front of them. "I don't like where this is going," Ruby said to themself. As they stood around contemplating whether to go in, the portal slowly got bigger as small volcanic rocks started to be sucked in. Soon, they felt their cape tugging at them as it was trying to head in the direction of the portal.

"Fine! Jeez, for a portal, you seem to want to drag everything in your path!" Ruby reluctantly entered the portal, as they didn't want to be forcefully dragged in by it. As soon as the fire-wielding villain fully entered, the portal instantly closed.

Ruby fell on their face, flat on some lush green grass. Travelling through that portal felt almost instant to them. They didn't know whether to be impressed or terrified by how quickly they ended up in their unknown location. They slowly looked up to be surrounded by plants and a couple trees. All of this felt somewhat familiar to the confused teenager. Ruby looked around to see a large door in a massive tree. They stared at it for a bit, only seeing it slightly open.

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