1. Expelled

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Three girls raced through the halls of Durmstrang, dodging around walls and uneven tiles, students and confused teachers who would soon join the hunt for them.

Four floors of the castle and only so many places to hide after turning the headmasters hair, skin, and entire wardrobe a sickly green.

The Fifteen year old girls also had changed various teachers to match and several students but that wasn't minded as much as messing with Karkaroff. Messing with the headmaster is something that they had done a few times before and suffered the serious consequences however this time they made it a bit more permanent.

They had also turned the third floor pink and sat all the portraits on the ground, using a charm so that they could wander throughout the halls in their frames but that was besides the point, that hadn't been found just yet.

The girls continued to run down the halls, the red head and the black haired girls pushing people out of the way and occasionally down stairs hoping to distract the teachers. The dirty blonde in the middle rolled her eyes as she ran, trying not to scold her friends for their stupidity of getting caught and taking her down with them.

Lucia was the good kid, the one that from the outside didn't fit the group well but kept them in line. Goody two shoes, high marks and highly intelligent. Exceptionally good hearing, a bad word about her friends whispered in the crowded dining hall would win a death glare for a week, untraceable pranks and a few sneaky hexes. They always knew it was Lucia but couldn't find proof, just dead ends not matter how hard it was searched. Her brown eyes could get her through any lie, innocence seeped into them. She could convince a human lie detector she was a Sixty five year old Canadian man who was on holiday to visit his 36 grandkids after working hard is a book and candy shop.

The black haired girl was the one trying to push kids down the stairs, hoping to fill the hospital wing to distract the headmaster from them. Writing all those letters to concerned parents wouldn't be easy and would keep him busy. They might even have enough time to run down to the grounds- she grabbed her friends hands and pulled them to the stairs which many students had ran from to avoid falling down them. Running down stairs was something they'd grown used to.

Estelle has black hair, the length varied, unlike her two long haired friends who had spent time figuring out their hair, she'd cut it off, add bangs, grow it out, remove the bangs, she never really settled. The black hair never changed from its color, only length and shape. She had spent a great deal of time between emo and goth phases never sure where to settle, claiming she'd find her style when she graduated and moved back to London where no one knew her.

She was highly intelligent but covered it up with her carelessness and pranks. The truth was there was a time where Estelle tried and cared. She cared so much and tried so much, many years, long nights, fights over the work. Her teachers would always come back with the same information, you're making careless mistakes, you need to try harder, care more. Even when she tried her hardest she heard about her careless mistakes. Not caring enough is how her teachers viewed her work. At Durmstrang, at her muggle school. Especially at the lower levels, she made a "careless" mistake and got a math problem wrong, teachers rolling their eyes and telling her to take more time when she said it was a different number in the problem all eight times she went over it. Same in reading, writing and spelling, the letters would change, and flip. Words would appear on the page when the teacher pointed it out that weren't there before when she had read it. Words would morph into other words. After many years of these frustrations Estelle had given up. If her mistakes were careless, she was going to be careless. At first she tried at Durmstrang but after first year and the same problems, same scoldings, she gave up, it wasn't worth the pain.

Estelle made a reputation as a rule breaker, no muggle items? She enchanted her walkman to blast Billy Joel. No dueling? She got into fist fights. She broke the rules without going directly against them and defending herself by saying, "Professor, it's enchanted, it's no longer a muggle item." Or "The rules clearly state no dueling, but there's nothing written on fist fights." Estelle actually lead many rules to have subsections and parentheses to specify.

The redheaded girl was the first to start tripping on the stairs and see the teachers catching up to them. They were on the first floor and she had caught onto Estelles plan but saw that there wouldn't be enough time to open the door. She grabbed Lucia's hand and pushed her through an open window and pulled Estelle as she jumped through it.

Hazel was the sweet and innocent one. Everyone who met her felt the need to protect her from the horrors of the world. Well, most everyone but we'll get into that later.

She was the shortest, the smallest and the quietest. But once she was comfortable in her surroundings she came out of her shell. Sarcasm and insults were something she excelled in.

Her school work was pretty good but often thrown to the side for a word of fiction. People saw a book in her hands and assumed she was a genius and shocked when they'd ask for help on an essay and she'd be shocked to find there was an essay, running off to confirm with her friends and start an outline so she'd feel better about procrastinating till the night ( or morning depending on what time you think morning starts) it was due.

The three girls raced onto the expensive grounds, laughing at their escape, whooping on the thrill. Suddenly a jolt pulled them back, racing backwards a panick filled them, in through a window they went, all three landing on their butts directly into Karkaroff's office.

"See professor, I simple summoning spell to get them here, I don't see why we don't using it more often." The potions professor stated.

"Yes, Yes, now out of my office. I must deal with this." Karkaroff replied angerly. " Now, Ms. Lewis and Ms. Potter, Ms. Coy will be here in a minute to make arrangements. Ms. Reed, the same arrangements will be made for you. You three are being expelled, this is the last time you've made a fool of me and this school."

They stared at the green Karkaroff in front of them trying to process his words. They knew they had gone far but not this far.

"It's been a long time coming, you are no longer accepted in this school and will be moved somewhere else, you actions most have consequences especially when you stop learning for simple punishments."

The office door opened and a short, pudgy woman stepped in, her grey and black hair and harsh eyes made Estelle and Hazel shrink in their chairs. Lucia went ignored by the woman. "Well Professor, what have these brats done now that requires me here?"

"Ms. Coy, Thank you for coming. Ms. Lewis and Ms. Potter have been expelled as well as Ms. Reed. These girls are no longer welcome in this school."

"Well that just won't work, I don't want to take them back with me, I took in witches so I wouldn't have to deal with them outside of school. And I certainly am not taking in another one for good."

Estelle kept her eyes trained on the ground, Lucia stared blankly at the wall, her one good chance was gone. She'd tried so hard, kept her grades up and actions good but it wasn't enough. Hazel took to looking around the room, looking anywhere but the adults.

Estelle was lost in her thoughts. Summers with Ms. Coy were bad enough but living there entirely, for at least two years until she turned Seventeen and could leave. She didn't even want to think about doing that. She'd get a job. Save up her money, get Hazel to work to, save until they could get an apartment, one to save them. Even if it was tiny and they shared a twin sized mattress on the floor. They'd take any job they could, even if they were barely surviving, they'd survive. They'd bring Lucia to, keep her with them no matter what. Maybe they could make it work.

Lucia was going down a rabbit hole. She should have studied more. Kept to herself. It was a once in a lifetime offer, especially for her. Losing her education was not worth the prank. She could have done better and now everything she had wanted, a future, peace, acceptance, was slipping away.

Hazel was sure she was dreaming, she searched for any sign she was dreaming. She even considered getting up and kicking Karkaroff in the shins to test if she was dreaming. She looked around the room for a distraction, anything to take her mind off the fact that the only world she could see herself living in had just been taken from her. She didn't want to lose what she had finally found to be home. She'd lost her family at a young age, unable to research or find any Potters that weren't connected to the famous, James, Lily, and Harry Potter who had survived the killing curse but she was still sure this was a connection to her family, more of a hope for finding them even if it seemed impossible with the fame surrounding her last name that she was not a part of.

Something caught Estelle's eye and she turned her attention to the fireplace. Hazel copied her actions as she had made it to that side of the room in her observing game. Both girls stared at the fireplace as green flames erupted from it and a man stepped out.

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