10 - The Nest.

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"Stop fucking yelling!" Crash complained as he leaned up against Val's shoulder.

"Destroya.. you're such a spoil sport!" Zero groaned as she watched Atrocity make a run for the ladder up to the roof.

"Gah! Wait for me!" Zero quickly followed Atrocity who was now laughing.

"Zero isn't wrong, Crash. You spoilt their fun." Ghoul shrugged with a smirk.

"Oh really? I can be fun."

"They can be, and you know they can Ghoul." Val raised a brow as he smiled lightly.

"Suppose so, Oh! Crash.. I need your help with a little something.." Ghoul glanced back to Poison who was too busy ranting about how the draculoids had scratched up his jacket again to Jet.

"Oh fuck yeah!"

Crash gave Val a quick kiss then got up and went with Ghoul to help pull a prank on Poison.

"Some things never change." Val shrugged as he adjusted his mask over his face and ran a hand through his white hair.

"Hm, you have a point. Those two are always doing something to do with Poison or pranking everyone." Adrenaline spoke up as he looked around the room at everyone.

Poison was still ranting to Jet, Kobra and Viiper were sat by a window in the far corner of the nest as Viiper slept in his arms.

Zero and Atrocity were up in the roof and they were.. Fuck! they were kissing and um.. a lot.

Adrenaline quickly averted his eyes from what he saw up in the roof. "Alright then.."

Noises of crashing and banging were coming from the garage, no doubt where Ghoul and Crash went. Dee and Disco were in a different room listening to their Smiths vinyl again.

Crow, Rocket and Venom also seemed to be doing their own things else where.

Poison took notice of the banging in the garage and stopped ranting about his jacket. "Who the fuck is making that much noise?" He began to walk over to the garage but was stopped by what sounded like a groan from above. In the fucking roof.

"Stop fucking up there!" Poison yelled in almost disgust as he walked back over to Jet.

"Fuck sake, we aren't fucking!" Zero called down, irritation clear in her voice.

"FUCK ME!" Crash hissed as the sound of something breaking filled the garage, which was then followed by the laughter of Ghoul.

"No thank you," was spoken through the laughter.

"Destroya.. they're such kids." Jet laughed as he picked up a magazine from the table.

"POISON!" Ghoul shouted from the garage.


"I need your help! Come here!"

"I swear to god im not fucking you, ya twink." Poison laughed as he walked over to the garage. Val, Jet and Adrenaline quickly got up and followed because they knew exactly what was going to happen.

The moment Poison got to the garage door, a sheet was dropped over him along with something landing on top of him, that something being Crash because well.. he was lighter than Ghoul. "Haha! Gotcha!"

"Gah! Get- off- me!" Poison struggled to get Crash off of him.

"Can you quiet down, you woke Viiper up!" Kobra appeared from around the corner to see the mess that had occurred. "Oh." He stopped in his tracks.

"Um, thats Poison?"

"Yeah." Val nodded.

"Crash get off Poison! You could have hurt him."

"Fuck i didnt think about that-" Crash scrambled off of Poison and rushed over to Val, pretty much hiding beside him.

"Damn it Crash I think you fucked up my shoulder."

"Shit sorry Poison." Crash muttered an apology.

"What's going on?.." Viiper murmured as she approached the group.

"Ghoul and Crash decided to prank Poison and Crash dropped from the roof and probably fucked up Poisons shoulder." Adrenaline explained.

"What! Poison let me see your shoulder." Viiper made her way over to Poison and inspected his shoulder.

"Oh you'll be fine, it's probably just been landed on funny, it's not dislocated or anything."

"Thank fuck." Poison rolled his shoulder.

The ladder to the roof creaked behind everyone and down came Zero followed by Atrocity. Both of their hair looked absolutely fucked up. And everyone turned around to face them.

"Don't.. fucking.. ask.." Zero quickly sorted her hair and walked towards the bedrooms, practically kicked the door in, interrupting Dee and Disco's music and jumped onto their bed.

"Heh umm.." Atrocity quickly followed Zero into the bedrooms.

"Well that was, something." Jet nodded.

"They're totally gay." Crash shrugged.

"Cy, so are we?" Val raised a brow.

"Well that's us so that's beside the point."

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