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Enzo's POV:
What the fuck did just happen? From happy she went totally quiet out of nothing. Im quite sure something must have happened in the bathroom I'm not a fucking idiot. So I left her in the car and went to the mall again and went out to some one. I had no idea what I was supposed to do now? So I went back to the car finding her asleep against the window again. She really loves sleeping that's something I figured out. So I drove home quietly.

When we arrived I tried waking her up but she didn't wake up. I had no idea what I was supposed to do now. Should I try again? Why am I even bothering she's only here cause her dad sold her to me anyways.

Aurora's POV:
A weird noise woke me up but I was still snuggling in my bed not wanting to wake up but at some point it would stop. Wait? How did I get here? I fell asleep in the car? Or did I not? I'm trying so hard to remember but the only think I know is that I fell asleep in the car while he was gone. Did he maybe carry-? There is no way HE would. I probably was sleep walking from the car to my room.

The noise still didn't stop so I looked out of the window and saw Enzo with another man boxing in the garden. They were literally punching each other like they would win the gold medals or whatever. I can't lie Enzo looks so hot in only shorts, working out, sweat dripping down his face and hair. He's known for being the handsome ruthless young mafia boss especially around the girls. Whatever.

I went to the bathroom got ready and fucking noticed I don't have any of my hygiene products and make up. Sunscreen and a toothbrush with toothpaste ain't the only thing I use. God how can I be so dumb and forget about the most important stuff yesterday. So I went out of the bathroom, wore the cute top which was like a tank top but with a cute bow on the left side on my neck and some beige trousers (basically old money style), with a cute bag and not to forget sunglasses.

When I went down the stairs I saw Beatrice just coming in so I gave her a hug and greeted her with a sweet good morning. "Good morning Bambi did you sleep well?" She asked me. "Yes I did and you?" I asked her back and she nod. I don't think that my parents actually ever asked me that. God I'm so hungry but luckily she's making breakfast now. Yayyyy. I turned on some music and sang along with it. Me and Beatrice were having such a good time right now. We were dancing and singing together while she was making the food. My mom always thought that music is inappropriate for some reason so I always listen to it secretly. One time when she caught me doing it she took my phone away and gave me a Nokia phone. Fun. So I ended up only listening music from my laptop very carefully.

We had so much fun and then my favourite song started playing so I got ready giving Beatrice a whole live concert. I was basically singing and dancing all in once but when I turned around I saw that she wasn't the only one who got a free live concert. Enzo and a man were right behind me, looking at me and when the song ended, she and the man started clapping their hands while my cheeks started burning up from embarrassment.

"You have good skills Bambi." She complimented me and gave me thumbs up. "I agree." The other man said standing next to Enzo. He was a bit smaller than him and had brown curly hair with green eyes. He's cute but not my type. "Thank you." I said trying to hide the embarrassment. Shit that's so embarrassing. "Hi." I greeted Enzo but he just replied with a 'hmm' as always. What did I do now? Is he mad that I sang and danced? Fuck no wonder why mom probably forbid me listening to music. Or is it maybe because of yesterday? Did I do something wrong? I have no idea. So I looked back at the stranger.

"Oh how rude not to introduce myself. Hi, my name is Dante Amato and I'm Enzo's best friend." He said placing a kiss on my hand and put his arm around Enzo. Damn that was sudden didn't expect that. "Hey, I'm Aurora Romano and I'm-", "soon to be my wife." Enzo cut me off, came to my side and put his arm around my waist looking at Dante pissed. There was a tension between us right now that I did not like. I heard Beatrice giggling and then telling us to sit on the dining room because breakfast fast ready so I helped her set the table quickly and other stuff. The food smells amazing!

The table was done and the boys were also back from their fast shower. "Siediti e mangia! Spero che ti piaccia il cibo che ho preparato." She said in Italian. I looked at her confused and smiled. "What did she said?" I whispered to Enzo. "YOU DON'T KNOW ITALIAN EVEN THO YOU'RE ITALIAN?!" I flinched because Dante screamed. "Uhm no I don't."

How did he even heard that? I think I'm embarrassing myself way too much. I look so stupid. "Don't feel embarrassed it's fine." "Just eat, here." Enzo whispered back and handed me pancakes but his voice seems to have an effect over me. I got goosebumps all over me. "Thanks." I said quietly so only he could hear it. When I cut a piece of pancake topped with chocolate and fruits. Man I love that woman. The flavour melted in my mouth it was so good. "Mhmmm, it's so good! You're the best really!" I started moaning over the food and looked at her while giving her thumbs up too. She started laughing "Eat a lot Bambi! I made extra more only for you!" She smiled. Only for me. Was it so hard mom and dad? I tried to force myself keeping my face straight.

GUYS WHAT 111 READERS IM SO HAPPY WHAAAT I JUST STARTED ALMOST TWO WEEK AGO AND IM SO SORRY FOR NOT POSTING FOR LIKE A FEE DAYS. I was kind of down so yeah but I really appreciate the love. Thank you so much!

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