Old friends reunite/replacements again😔😒

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Tim: Mary Jane what are you doing here?

Mary: we work here now we thought you were dead

Tim: what do you mean? Dead

Jane: there was animatronic attacked the nightclub

Golden Freddy(whispers to you): they must've been talking about you because you went on a rampage because of nightmare

Tim: there's an explanation to that

Foxy: Tim, you can't tell them about what you are

Candy: tell us what about yourself

Tim: they deserve to know the truth, and I am going to give them the truth let's take this to the main stage

Jane: OK

Everybody went to the main stage

Tim: all right you think that I was dead because of a animatronic black bear that attacked here that black animatronic bear was me

Jane and Mary and the new animatronics couldn't believe it, but rockstar Bonnie didn't believe you

Rockstar Bonnie: that's insane humans becoming animatronics that's not a thing

Snow Bonfie: it's true show them

You transformed into your nightmare form

Everyone except your harem were frightened by your appearance but you quickly change back

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Everyone except your harem were frightened by your appearance but you quickly change back

Mary(scared): that was you I need an explanation. How did you even become this monster?

Tim: well, that's kind of complicated to explain the form you saw me in. It's called a nightmare animatronic when I'm going to explain. Some of this you need to understand why I became a nightmare animatronic. a long time ago like 2005 when I was still little it was still February there was me and my pops he is a tough and a strict guy, but he's always fair then there was my mom she's a strong woman, and she always did what was right, and she never believed in violence and then then there was my sister Michelle Afton after what happened at Fred Bears family diner. Michelle ran away because her father William was upset about his daughters death, but that's a story for another time. It was me and Michelle, but Michelle had a twin brother Michael Afton. But Michelle was always a rebellious teenager that never played by anybody's rules

Freddy: a woman who doesn't respect rules or law that's right there

Toy Freddy: she sounds reckless

Tim: anyway I always did my own thing every time when my parents told Michelle to do chores she always tells me to do it I always said no she gets very aggressive about it and always hits me with things to teach me a lesson. She scares me with a foxy mask, but this never bothers me. I just find it annoying but every time I play my games, she was always right there ready to scare me in the bathroom same thing at the playground same thing at school same thing but when I help with his taxes, I'm always waiting for her to do something but that one day her friends jumped me and scared me but tomorrow was my birthday February 12 but it was a horrible day why Let's Rewind to February 11 Michelle was dressed up as a an out of control party girl my mom didn't like that, but Michelle asked Mom to go to the party. She said no but she asked dad to try to get out of this. He was about to say when he was getting the stink eye from mom and he said no but if I know any rebellious teenager, they sneak out the house and she went to the party anyway and you know what I did. I told them what happened few hours later when Michelle got home, she was in a scolding of a lifetime after my parents yelled at her Michelle was mad she raced up to my room. She grabbed me out of bed when I was reading a book dragged me to the bathroom and put my head in the toilet gave me a swirly and she was like if you ever tell them anything again you're dead just wait until your birthday she said part of me was mad and questioning. What did she even mean by that part of me was like I'm just gonna ignore that because she was bluffing. February 12 was the day of my life. It was me, Mary and Jane.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2024 ⏰

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