Mission impossible pt.1

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*Yorrichi running away from his house* 

Yorrichi: thinking*I wonder if Auni will find it sus that me and Haruhime are dating....* oh! I'm almost there!

*runs up to Haruhime's porch and knocks on the door*

Haruhime: *opens the door* what are you doing here?🤨🤔

Yorrichi: you really asking that?  🙄

Haruhime: um yeah what else am I gonna ask?

Yorrichi: ok for starters you would welcome me in  to your hous-🤗

Haruhime: why in the world would I do that? 😑

Yorrichi: you don't know? 😶

Haruhime: no 💢

Yorrichi: umm you see you invited me here 👁👄👁

Haruhime: 👁👄👁

Yorrichi: 👁👄👁

Haruhime: thinking*when did I-...ohhhh!* oh yeah right sorry bout that 😅

Yorrichi: thinking*took you long enough 🙄*

Haruhime: you can come inside now

Yorrichi: Na I'll just stay outside 😊

Haruhime: I didn't ask 💢💢💢

Yorrichi:*gulp* ok mam

Haruhime: good! 😊 lets go!

*they go inside the house*

Yorrichi: *sniffing the air* hummm! it smells good in here!

Haruhime: yeah my mom's making Udon 😊

Yorrichi: what type?🤤🤤

Haruhime: Yamakake Udon *smiles* if you want you can have some

Yorrichi: yes! *runs into the kitchen*

Haruhime: *follows him*who taught you manners you dolt!

Yorrichi: sorry 😅

Haruhime: *sighs* mother?

Haruhime's mother: oh hi dear! you arrived just on time! you see I need eggs to top of the udon.... and I just ran out!

Yorrichi: oh no! that's tragic😭😭😭

Haruhime's mother: I know right! 😭😭

Haruhime: soo what do I-

Haruhime's mother: honey you just need to go to the nearest convivence store and buy some for me 😌

Haruhime: ok!

Yorrichi: thinking*if I go with her then I have a better chance of also eating udon!* I'll go with you!

Haruhime oh okay thinking*hummm...I thought Yorrichi hated shopping...eh it's fine*

Haruhime's mother: 😏😏😏😏...anyway be safe you two!

Haruhime & Yorrichi: we will be!

*they leave the house*

Yorrichi: sooo.....can I still have some udon?

Haruhime: *sighs* yes....as long as you help me with the grocery

Yorrichi: deal!

*they walk to the store *

Yorrichi: *sees candy* CANDY!!!!! *runs off*


------------------------------ with Michikatsu----------------------------------------------------

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14 ⏰

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