the wall of insecurity

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In the mirror's gaze, I find my own reflection, But what I see is a distorted perception. For I compare myself to others, day by day, And in this endless game, I lose my way.

I measure my worth by another's success, Ignoring my journey, I feel less and less. Their achievements gleam, like stars in the night, While I stumble in shadows, losing sight.

I long to be as confident, as bold, To have their grace, their stories told. But in chasing their footsteps, I lose my own, Forgetting the seeds of greatness I've sown.

Yet deep within, a whisper softly speaks, Reminding me of the strength I seek. For in embracing my flaws, my unique art, I find the courage to follow my heart.

So let me break free from this endless race, And embrace the beauty of my own pace. For in the tapestry of life, I am a thread, Unique and worthy, just as I am, it's said.

-Shree Chowdhury

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