2. Time wasted

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As physics class wrapped up, the subsequent two classes dragged on tediously.

In the parking lot, feeling exhausted after the long day, all I desired was sleep.

Heading towards Niko's car, my regular ride to school, a hand obstructed my path – it was Andrew's.

Despite his good looks, Andrew's unpleasant personality overshadowed any attractiveness.

"When and where should we meet?" Andrew interrupted my thoughts.
Confusion crossed my face.

"Meet for what?"

"The project, dumbass. Already slipped off of your mind?" he sneered.

"Oh, right, the project," I realized belatedly.

"You have the memory of a goldfish," Andrew remarked, clearly provoking a fight.

"Just shut the hell up. I don't want to talk to you any longer than necessary," I shot back. Rolling my eyes in the process

"Fine. So just answer my simple question," he insisted.

"What about your place?" I suggested, trying to move the conversation along.

"Sure, do you want to start today or tomorrow?" he asked.

"Today. The sooner we finish this project, the less I have to see you," I replied with thinly veiled disdain.

"Yeah, I suppose," he said, his tone tinged with disappointment.

"Okay, bye. You've wasted enough of my time," I stated, walking away without waiting for his response. I couldn't care less.

Finally, I reached Niko's car and got in, eager to leave the encounter behind.


After indulging in a lengthy shower and a brief nap, I awaken near 4pm only to realize the urgency of being at Andrew's house by 4:15pm.

Shit shit shit, I have to dress quicker also the fact that I'll be taking a taxi to his house, I vaguely remember he lives in a rich area.

I quickly freshen up by brushing my teeth, washing my face and running my hands through my blonde hair. Eh this is good enough.

Opting for a casual outfit of a sage green hoodie and pants, I add a spritz of cologne, not that I want to impress anyone.

With a sense of urgency, I dash out of my house to hail a taxi.


His house is incredibly spacious, fitting for someone who is often termed as the perfect boy. I ring the doorbell, and after a brief wait, the door swings open.

He stands before me, his hair tousled yet somehow still perfect, dressed casually in grey sweatpants and a black tank top.

His voice, with a hint of depth, invites me inside with a simple "Hey, come on in."

As I step into his home, I'm greeted by an interior that mirrors the exterior's beauty, striking a balance between modernity and comfort.

"Did you just wake up?" I inquire, noticing the slight blush coloring his cheeks as he scratches the back of his neck.

"Uh, I'm sorry, yes," he responds sheepishly.

I offer no reply but can't help the smile that creeps onto my lips.

"Alright, let's get started on the project," he suggests, redirecting our focus.


Second chapter is out yay!!

Please let me know how you feel and if you'd have any opinions that you feel that should be added in the chapter/book. Getting any kind of feedback definitely helps a lot.

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