True Feelings

104 1 11

Ship: Shin Soukoku
Category: Feeling realization? Fluff?
Relationship Status: Work partners and friends


It was afternoon when Akutagawa was at the cafe below the agency, peacefully sitting and enjoying his tea with four sugar cubes, as usual. He was lost in thought, but the bell above the door signifying that someone was entering snapped him out of his thoughts. He looked towards the door to see none other than Atsushi Nakajima, the former White Reaper of the Port Mafia.

Atsushi sat down next to him, ordering a coffee. Atsushi left the Mafia months ago, in fact, he was part of the ADA now. He didn't do as much work as everyone else, because he was still struggling emotionally, but the other members of the ADA sympathized and understood his situation, so they let him be. However, he had been starting to do more work nowadays as his condition got better, in fact, he just came back from a mission.

Akutagawa and Atsushi talked every now and then, they may even be what some people would call friends. They also went on missions together now and then. They proved to be quite powerful together. It may have helped that they were the only ones who knew the truth about the world that they lived in, somehow binding them together.

Anyways, Atsushi's coffee quickly arrived, and he reached for the sugar cubes and dropped in three. Akutagawa felt a sense of deja vu as he watched him.

"Is something wrong, Akutagawa?"

"Not in particular, no."

"Really? You were staring at me just now, though."


"...Are you still surprised I put in so much sugar?"

That's when Akutagawa realized why this moment felt so familiar. They were in the same seats, wearing the same clothes, at the same time of day. This was what is was like when they first met.

"No, forget it. How was your mission?"

"It was pretty easy. I just had to deliver a file to someone to help them out in a case. I think I was only sent because there was no one else. Thanks for asking though!"

Atsushi flashed a bright smile at Akutagawa.

he looks...cute...

Akutagawa coughed and looked away. "No...*cough*...problem"

What worried Akutagawa wasn't as much him thinking that his new coworker was cute, but more the fact that this was nowhere near the first time.

At random times of the day, particularly when Atsushi was smiling, Akutagawa would catch himself staring at the other boy, then cough and look away when he caught himself. He started to think that something was wrong with him, but he didn't know what.

"Akutagawa, are you okay?"

Akutagawa's coughing didn't stop, so Atsushi pat his back for him. However, this physical touch didn't help Akutagawa's condition much. His cheeks reddened slightly more and he continued to cough. The owner, witnessing everything, handed Akutagawa a glass of water and smiled to himself.

Atsushi and Akutagawa must've thought the smile was just the man being nice, and they must have not thought much of it. However, the man was really counting the days until the two would become an official couple.

Anyways, Akutagawa's coughing subsided, and the two went back to conversing.


"Mhm. It's the least I can do for my partner."

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