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Adam's POV

I kinda lied to Lando - okay, definitely lied to him.

Julian wasn't ready to attend a wedding. He wasn't ready to do anything at this point.

He didn't even notice most of the art in his house was gone. Not completely gone obviously. Transferred it all to Italy.

Lando couldn't ask her in a real art museum, that would be far too dangerous.

So, I made a fake museum, with all of the art Julian owned or stole.
She would think he helped Lando organize it, which was ultimately all she wanted.

She would say yes and it would give me a little time to convince Julian to finally forget Piper.

"Where's Julian?" Peter walked in the living room where Matt and I were playing video games in.

"Where do you think?"

Peter sighed. "Who is it today?"

"Some blonde chick, he didn't leave his bedroom for an entire day" I shrugged. "And neither did she"

I wasn't even surprised or bothered at this point. He's been like this for weeks. It was a never ending cycle of drugs, alcohol and fucking girls.

"So are we just gonna wait for him to act normal again?" Peter asked, sitting down next to us.

"Unfortunately yes"

Matt nudged me. "Maybe you need to talk to him"

"I tried but I'm not a psychologist, I don't know what to do to help him"

And honestly why it always me who has to help him?

"Or maybe you can talk to him?" I looked at Matt. "Uh no thanks, I don't wanna die"

Peter and I both started laughing.

Matt has always been a little afraid of Julian, but still he would do everything for him.

Like all of us.

"What's so funny?" Julian asked as he walked in. Black shirt, black jogging pants, eyes all red.

"Julian!" Matt shifted a little in his seat. "Nothing, just making jokes"

"Cute" he mumbled. He crossed his arms in front of him, leaning against the wall.

"Are you finally done with making your own porn movie?" I looked up at Julian. He just smirked, but didn't really respond.

He nodded at Peter and Matt, who immediately understood that they had to get up and leave, which they did.

It also made me realize I was in trouble.

"What's up mate?" I asked.

"I think it's quite funny how you always seem to underestimate people" he said, still leaning against the wall. "First Jayden, now me"

I got up, I don't know why exactly but I had the feeling I would be safer standing up.

"What do you mean? I don't underesti-"

He let out a laugh, a sarcastic laugh, titled his head and pressed me against the wall. "Where the fuck is my art?"

I could easily take him out, he was high of coke, didn't sleep in ages and proper weak right now.

But I was smarter than that.

"In Italy"

Trying to let your sister finally marry the guy she loves the most.

"Then you better get it back" he looked me straight in my eyes. "But Land-"


Hooked - part 3Where stories live. Discover now