Beautiful Threat

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The next day, Taehyung and Jimin walked out of college, they were in the parking lot and jimin walked towards his rock bison. Taehyung walked behind jimin keeping textbooks against his chest.

Suddenly, they heard a loud road of a bike. A sleek black motorcycle stopped in front of Taehyung, making him yelp and jump back. He clutched the books tighter, his heart racing in his chest

Slowly, the biker removed his helmet. Taehyung's breath hitched seeing, a familiar handsome face of Jungkook.
His black leather jacket that hugged his muscular frame perfectly.

he looked like something straight out of a motorcycle magazine. But it was the smile that did something in Taehyung heart... His signature bunny smile

Taehyung felt a blush creep up his neck, warming his cheeks as he stared at Jungkook, momentarily speechless.

"Who are you looking at, Jungkook hyung?"

Jimin was sitting on his scooter wearing his helmet with a playful smirk on his face.

Jungkook chuckled in his deep voice. He didn't tear his eyes away from Taehyung, he leaned back slightly on his motorcycle.

"Just admiring the beauty in front of me"

Jungkook smiled looking at his crush,
taehyung's cheeks burned even brighter, his cheeks were red like a tomato.

Jungkook's eyes softened as he patted the seat behind him. "Come on, let me drop you home, princess"

Taehyung glanced at Jimin, his bestie simply smiled at him and gave him a thumbs up, It looked like Jimin was silently saying, "Go for it!"

taehyung smiled biting his lower lip, He was about to take a step towards the motorcycle, Suddenly he remembered his Father's words, his voice echoing in his head making him gulp

Taehyung, it's not hard to see the change in you lately. College is a time to focus on your studies, to prepare for your future. I didn't send you there to get distracted by...useless things like falling in love."

Yep, he needs to stay away from jungkook, not to waste time by falling in love, just like his father said, He had textbooks to study, exams to ace and a future to build, he took a deep breath looking at jimin

"Come let's go Jimin, we are getting late"

Taehyung started to walked towards jimin's scooter, but hesitated. He couldn't help but steal a glance back at Jungkook.

Jungkook's smile was gone, replaced by an angry look

Jungkook tightened his grip on his bike's handlebars, his knuckles turning white. His jaw was clenched and his dark eyes were glaring deep into taehyung's doe eyes.

Suddenly, Jungkook accelerated his motorcycle, He revved the engine again and again making his bike roar louder more like an angry growl, the sound echoing through the parking lot

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Suddenly, Jungkook accelerated his motorcycle, He revved the engine again and again making his bike roar louder more like an angry growl, the sound echoing through the parking lot.

Taehyung flinched jumping back at the loud noise

Jimin, tell him to get on my bike, or I'll follow him all the way to his house like a lovesick puppy and shout that I love him in front of my future parents-in-law!"

Jungkook didn't even look at Taehyung, but his words were loud and clear, his eyes aimed straight at Jimin

Taehyung's jaw dropped. Jungkook wanted him to get on the bike? And was he seriously threatening to confess his love in front of Taehyung's parents?

He couldn't deny it the thought of Jungkook declaring his love so publicly did something to his fragile heart.

He stole a glance at Jimin, who was smiling widely grin Jimin clearly enjoyed the situation.

Taehyung hesitantly sat on Jungkook's motorcycle, his fingers brushing against Jungkook's leather jacket-clad shoulder. He quickly pulled his hand back, straightening himself and stiffening his arms, a million thoughts ram in his head like a storm. His dad's voice echoed in his mind

"Love," he said, his dark eyes meeting Taehyung's in the rearview mirror, "Hold me tight, okay?"

The silence between Taehyung and Jungkook was thick during the bike ride, Taehyung clutched the sides of the seat, his gaze fixed on the road ahead.

Tae stole a glance at Jungkook in the rearview mirror. Jungkook's brow furrowed slightly, it looked like jungkook was annoyed by taehyung because he didn't hold jungkook

Taehyung frowned looking at the road
He noticed that Jungkook wasn't heading towards Taehyung's house In fact, he was going in the opposite direction

Taehyung looked at jungkook through the rearview mirror, Jungkook's had a straight face, his eyes focused on the road ahead. Taehyung hesitated.

Should he say something? Ask Jungkook to turn around ?

Taehyung tapped Jungkook's shoulder lightly "Uh, Jungkook-ssi, My house is actually the other way, you know?"

"Relax, babe," Jungkook smiled playfully "I'm taking you somewhere special."


Tae started to get slightly scared, but Jungkook cut him off gently.

"Don't worry, love," Jungkook said softly,

"I won't let anything bad happen to you. It'd have to go over my dead body before reaching you"

Whoa. Now those words definitely made tae's heart skip a beat, he looked at Jungkook's handsome face through the rear view mirror

tae felt his cheeks flush when jungkook winked at him, tae swallowed nervously looking away from him

Jungkook's lips curved into a smile when he felt taehyung's hands shyly sneaking around his waist,

Taehyung leaned against Jungkook, his bread cheek resting on Jungkook's back

Jungkook inhaled slowly the pleasant scent of Taehyung's vanilla shampoo filling his senses

He squeezed Taehyung's hand gently conveying 'I love you' through this gesture, Jungkook felt Taehyung's lips smile against his back

Every few seconds, Jungkook could feel the rise and fall of Taehyung's chest against him, a calming rhythm that became Jungkook's favorite

taehyung closed his eyes, trusting in Jungkook to take him wherever they were going

"We're here, baby"

Jungkook said, He glanced back at Taehyung, his heart swelling at the sight of taehyung sleeping soundly against his back like a winter bear, there was a small smile dancing on his lips


Jungkook gently nudged Taehyung's shoulder, Taehyung stirred in his sleep opening his doe eyes slowly, He blinked a few times, focusing on Jungkook's strong hand resting protectively on his thigh, then he gasped seeing the breathtaking sight infront of him.

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