the contract

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Khushi's Pov

Miss Gupta, I hope you have read the terms and conditions of the contract"

"ye..yes..sir...I mean Arnav..I mean sir" I was so nervous I didn't know what I was saying

"it's okay just call me by my name" Arnav smiled

"Miss Gupta according to the contract I pretend to be your husband in name and prevent my brother-in-law from trying to force you into a marriage and you pretend to be a loving wife to me so my Grandmother and sister stop setting me up on blind I clear Miss Gupta " Arnav asked

"yes sir..I mean Arnavji..I mean Arnav " I stammered again

"khushi.. it's okay I don't bite" Arnav breathed near my ears

I could bet I felt the butterflies in my stomach do a summersault..

I could feel my cheeks turn red from the effect his nearness was having on me.

" don't have to call me Arnavji or sir or something so formal..just call me by my name and we will be fine...okay " Arnav asked again

"yes...Arnav" I answered looking straight into his eyes.

"okay Khushi it's a deal" Arnav said stretching his hand to seal our deal

I shook his hands and I was convinced he could hear my nervous breathing..

"you look nervous" Arnav observed

"yes..I mean no..I am fine"

Despite Arnav's tough exterior and the fact that he left no chance to bully me, he was the person I  turned to when I was in trouble...

I didn't know if I would regret my decision later but right now it didn't seem such a bad idea .I mean technically I could avoid the plague called Shyam Manohar Jha and compared to him Arnav seemed a  better option..

Honestly I was a little surprised when Arnav suggested having a contract marriage because I was pretty convinced that he hated me..

" long as it keeps me safe from that creep" I muttered under my breath and signed the contract papers..

Here goes nothing...

Arnav's POV

I watched as Khushi signed her name across the contract papers and I might have done a little happy dance if I didn't have to  pay attention to my persona of a tough man..

"Oh darling Now that you are married to me I will make sure you stay mine forever" I thought to myself

I wasn't in love with khushi or something like that but I couldn't bear the thought of seeing her with someone else.So when khushi told me the person she was engaged to was my brother in law, my first instinct was to  suggest we get in to a contract marriage for 2 years...

Not only would it prevent my brother-in-law from approaching her but It would also bring me peace knowing she was finally mine..

When it came to khushi , there was absolutely no logic needed..

I needed her, the thought of someone else being able to hear  her voice and someone else touching her filled me with much anger and anxiety that I did what I thought was best and  suggested that we enter into a contract marriage so we could both benefit from each other...

Khushi had become a part of me, she was my soul, my life and I was determined to keep her in my life one way or the other..

"Khushi ji"

"Yes Arnavji" Khushi said

"Please call me by my name"

"Okay Arnav" Khushi said smiling

I loved the way my name rolled off her lips, it made my heart beat faster

I couldn't wait to make her say my name out loud again and again, I couldn't wait to have her scream my name while I pleased her..

"Arnavji" Khushi called interrupting my naughty thoughts

"What is it khushi" I replied

"Can I ask you something"

"yes khushi"

"Can we please not tell anyone about this arrangement" khushi requested

"Of course khushi" I said

I was'nt very keen on telling the world that I was married to Khushi but I knew I would have to eventually so I refused..

"Khushi If we want my brother in law to stay away from you we will have to do a public wedding" I said

"So I guess I will see you tomorrow then" Khushi said

"yes" I replied

"Bye then" Khushi said and turned around

I pulled her by her wrist and she crashed against me..

I leaned in and kissed her on the lips and she froze, her lips were soft and her kiss was sweet..

After a few seconds I broke the kiss and said

"This is just the beginning , Khushi...get ready to be kissed every time we meet and also prepare yourself for a whole lot of cuddles and hugs"

Khushi's jaw dropped open and I left the room feeling very satisfied

Now all I had to do was convince my sister for a proper wedding because Although I didn't give a shit about the rituals Khushi laid great stress on customs and traditions and I was determined to give her the best wedding the town had seen...

Although we had already  signed the contract papers for marriage I wanted khushi to enjoy her wedding...

I couldn't wait to tell the world khushi  that was mine..

Author's note

Hello cuties,

I realised some of you are having a hard time seeing Arnav as a literal monster and Honestly I am having a hard time creating the character because Arnav Singh Raizada used to be my favourite character from Indian television . So I decided to write another story where Arnav is madly in love with khushi and would do anything to keep her in his life..even Suggest a contract marriage if it means she is his...

I sincerely hope you like this new version of Arshi story. please don't forget to vote and leave your comments behind...


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