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Next day,
Jeon Bunglwoo,

" Hun it's 6:45 am won't Kook go to school? " asked Eun-gyeol

" Today's holiday love because some meetings will be taking place today " Said Eun-Yoo with a smile and eun-gyeol nodded

" So he won't wake up? " asked Eun-gyeol

" Let him sleep sweetheart he was making his bio project all night and today is the submission day so he will go at 8:30 just to submit " Said Eun-Yoo and Eun-Gyeol nodded

Time skip,
8:00 am,

Eun-Yoo kook's room and smiled seeing her baby bun sleeping hugging the pillow like a baby bunny

Eun-yoo sat beside his head and crash his cheeks softly and called him " Love wake up "

Kook showed a irritated expression in sleep and said in sleepy tone 'nah' and again slept making eun-yoo sign but she smirked

" omo your Jungkook's doll na? " asked Eun-Yoo and Kook wake up with a jerk looking here and there

" Where's my doll? " he asked reapting the same time looking all the sides

He heard Eun-Yoo laughing and he understood she teased him making him whine

" MOM! " Whined kook and Eun-Yoo finally with difficulties stop laughing

" It's 8:05 go and ready " Said Eun-Yoo and kook run inside the washroom

He fall down in between rubbing his back groaning making Eun-Yoo worried but she signed seeing him again running inside the washroom after taking his clothes

Soon he got ready,

Soon he got ready,

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His outfit

No uniform because it's not a working day at school

It's 8:20 am, he quickly stuffed the food in his mouth and ran outside sitting on his bicycle he went to school

At School,

He parked his bicycles and run to his class and saw everyone there

He entered and sat on his sit and soon the teacher entered

" I see Jungkook is early today " Said Mr.Lee their biology teacher

Kook nodded proudly making his friends chuckled

" Ok Yogesh collect the project " Said Mr.Lee and yogesh went to collect the project

After collecting,

Students were about to leave but stopped when Mr.Lee said them to sit on their respective places

" So Students as you remember giving a test 2 days ago so the results have came " Said Mr.Lee

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