chapter 1

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"This is Berk. It snows nine months of the year, and hails the other three. Any food that grows here is tough and tasteless. The people that grow here are even more so." A kid said

"My names hicca daughter of the chief of berk. Sime place have rats... mouses as pests... but we have... dragons" hicca opened the door a dragon blasted the door leaving the house on fire.

Hicca ran out to go to the forge "what are you doing outside?!" Stoick said

"Thats stoick the vast... chief of berk... and my dad... they said that when he was a kid he popped the head of a nadder straight off of its body... do i believe it? Yes... yes i do" hicca narrated

Hicca ran to the forge to see a large guy with a pegleg and also his hand as... a hammer? His name... is gobber

"Nice of you to finally join us hicca" gobber said as he started sharpening the sword and axes. "I thought by now you have been carried away"

"Why would you think that? They couldnt contain this raw vikingness... that... i have..." hicca said while carrying the hammer to the anvil

Hicca then walked and look through the window. Just then a house gets sent on fire.

"Bucket brigade!!!" A blonde girl said as she ran to the well to grab water with the others

"There is Snotlout, Fishlegs the twins ruffnut and tuffnut, and Astrid Hofferson she is my rival in this world of vikings..." just then a gronckle came charging straight to snotlout and fishlegs who are arguing about the bucket

"Give me the bucket im more useful than you!!!" Snotlout shouted at fishlegs

As thr gronkle gets closer and closer a guy with blonde hair stabs the gronkle by the neck saving Fishlegs and Snotlout

Hicca stares at the boy and blushes. Astrid is also staring at him.

"His name is raiden my crush... and also my rival Astrids crush which we always fight over him" Hicca narrated

"Raiden is pretty popular around here because of his leader ship skills and with a kill count of 3 dragons" hicca narrated

"A nadder head that would get me atleast noticed... gronkles are tough taking down one of those would definietly get me a boyfriend... raiden... zipplebacks? Twice the status one of the reason raiden is very popular. And the dragon all the strongest vikings go for the monstrous nightmare. Raiden has taken down a monstrous nightmare single handedly. And theres the dragon no one has seen... it never steals food, nwver shows itself and never misses" as hicca says that a blast blows up one of the catapults

Hicca tries to run outside but gobber grabs her collar "nope you stay hicca..."

"What? Come on please let me make my mark out there... i might even get a date"
Hicca stated

"Oh you have made marks... just in the wrong places" gibber put her by the sharpener "sword. Sharpen. Now"

Hicca starts sharpening the sword using the grinder. "Ill get out there because killing a dragon is everything around here" hicca narrated.

Just then raiden vaults over the counter of the forge and smmiles gently at hicca "looks like gobber put you to work"

"Yeah..." hicca said expressionless. Hicca notices raiden and gobber arent looking she tries to run out before gobber grabs her by the arm. "Let me out there i need to kill a dragon"

"With your strength you cant kill a dragon... you cant even throw one of these!" Gobber said gesturing to a bola

"Okay yeah but this will throw it for me" hicca said gesturing to a crossvow like thing

"Hicca the device isnt done yet it has a calibration issue im still trying to figure out" raiden said while sharpening the sword he uses

"Hicca the device isnt done yet it has a calibration issue im still trying to figure out" raiden said while sharpening the sword he uses

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"Okay maybe it has a mild calibration issue..." she said patting the device twice as it shoots and hits a viking

Raiden and gobber look at her and raise an eyebrow "mild?" Raiden asks hicca

Hicca groans in defeat as Gobber speaks up "they need me out there man the fort hicca and raiden keep an eye on her" Gobber looks at hicca "stay put... there... you know what i mean..." gobber put on his axe hand and runs out with a battpe cry

"I gotta go" raiden said running out the forge.

"Nows my chance..."

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