Eloise Bridgerton - Chapter 27

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"And Eloise agreed to it?" asked Anthony, looking at Benedict.

Benedict who was sitting across the desk from the Viscount nodded his head. Just as he had mentioned to Violet, Benedict had headed straight to Anthony's home to speak to his older sibling.

"What is it? You don't like the Marquess?", asked Anthony.

Benedict shrugged and said "I don't dislike him. It's just....with Eloise..."

"We never thought we would have to face this", finished Anthony.

Benedict nodded his head.

"Well the impossible does happen. It is just a promenade though. The Marquess has yet to declare his intentions and even then we don't know if Eloise will accept. She has been quite adept at rejecting suitors in the past", said Anthony.

"This seems different though", said Benedict.

"Yes, I have noticed that as well", said Anthony thoughtfully. "In any case, I think it's time we find out a bit more about the Marquess."

"How do you propose to do that?", asked Benedict. "Practically no one among the ton knows much about the Marquess. He doesn't seem to socialise apart from the occasional soiree. He isn't part of any of the gentlemen's clubs."

"There are other ways though", said Anthony. "I think it's time to have a conversation with Vandenberg Red."

"Do you think he will have an open conversation about the Marquess with you?", queried Benedict. "After all, the Marquess is a client of his."

"I'll be discreet with my inquiries", said Anthony. He checked his pocket clock and then picked up his coat. "Vandenberg Red generally makes his rounds around this time. I should bump into him somewhere."

"Wouldn't it be easier to summon him here?", asked Benedict.

"A summons attracts too much attention", said Anthony. "Preferrable to make it look accidental."

"Very well", said Benedict rising to his feet as well.

Vandenberg Red walked along the streets of Mayfair, his brow furrowed. The books of accounts of the Barclay estate had been reviewed and there was something amiss for certain. The books weren't balanced and based on conversations with people on the estate, Red had found out that the missing money had been paid out to a few different concerns. Red had yet to find out more about the concerns but the whole situation made him feel uneasy.

Especially given his fondness for the Marquess of Barclay. Red knew about Theo's past but his dedication to the work and his personality had endeared him to the hardy, experienced solicitor. Having known the former Marquess of Barclay, Vandenberg Red felt Theo was a significant improvement. Red had begun to look at Theo with a paternal eye and believed that in time, the new Marquess would become a highly respected member of the ton.

But this confusion with the books.....was a different matter entirely. Vandenberg Red had been a solicitor to the ton long enough to know that when a new Marquess or Viscount or Duke took over the title, changes were ushered in. Depending on the person there may be a tendency to indulge oneself. Vandenberg Red knew that despite outward appearances there were many members of the ton who had run up significant debts and were unable to pay them. Red only hoped Theo hadn't fallen into that category.

"Mr. Red", a deep voice called out breaking through his reverie. "Mr. Red"

Vandenberg Red spun around to find Anthony Bridgerton walking towards him.

"My Lord, a pleasure to see you again", said Vandenberg Red bowing to the Viscount.

"Thank you", said the Viscount with a smile. "You seem to be out of sorts. Is everything alright?"

"Ah...just lost in a few thoughts, my Lord", said Mr. Red with a quick smile.

Anthony Bridgerton examined his face closely and then said "Mr. Red we are close to the gentlemen's club. How about we have a drink together?"

The question was posed in a way that refusal was impossible. Vandenberg Red nodded his head and followed Anthony Bridgerton down the street.

"Mr. Red", said Anthony once the two were ensconced in a quiet table in the corner of the room and served drinks. "I hear that you have been quite busy with the new Marquess."

"Indeed, my Lord", said Mr. Red.

"How is he shaping up? He seems a nice fellow", said Anthony.

"Yes, he is my Lord", said Mr. Red.

Anthony watched him for a few moments and then asked "Mr. Red is there something on your mind? About the Marquess? Perhaps I can help?"

"Nothing of the sort, my Lord", said Mr. Red.

"I see", said Anthony. "Earlier on, I saw one of the boys who works for you heading to a concern. I was quite surprised to see someone working for you heading into that kind of shop."

"That kind of shop? What do you mean, my Lord?", asked Mr. Red

"They are debt collectors", said Anthony.

"Debt collectors?", repeated Red in surprise. "Are you sure, my Lord?"

"Very sure", said Anthony, raising an eyebrow. "The Nigel Berbrooke episode taught me that."

Mr. Red stayed silent as Anthony studied his face. Anthony waited for a few moments and then said "Well I believe we must be off, Mr. Red."

Vandenberg Red quickly rose to his feet and said "Of course, my Lord. Thank you for inviting me here today."

"The pleasure was all mine", said Anthony with a small smile. "Please give my regards to the Marquess."

"Yes of course, my Lord", said Mr. Red in a tight voice. He bowed to Anthony and hurried out of the club and onto the street.

Anthony watched him go before he resumed his seat.

"So, it seems the Marquess isn't as clear cut as he looks", thought Anthony to himself as he picked up his half finished glass. "I can't think of any other reason Vandenberg Red would send someone from his office to that place. Though I can't say for sure. Either which way, it is best if Eloise stays away from the Marquess of Barclay for a while."

Anthony thought carefully as he took a sip. He knew he would have to proceed with caution. Daphne's courtship with the Duke of Hastings had taught him that. And Eloise was more headstrong than Daphne. There is no telling what she would do. Above all, Anthony had the strong desire to protect her and his mother.

"It wouldn't be terrible if some other suitors were to step into the picture, even temporarily to distract Eloise", thought Anthony to himself.

Horace Twombley sat at the other end of the room, his table facing the Viscount's.

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