chapter 1 // realization

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// lightbulb pov //

I look up at the ceiling thinking to myself, I wonder what paintys doing.. eh- doesn't matter to much!! I hear a click from across the room and go to check it, it looked like a random peice paper and a pen?? I look at it confused and then realize its asking to meet me somewhere. "omga what if its from painty!!" I say giggling to myself. I collect some stuff and put it in my bag making sure to take Baxter, and head out. ever since the show ended me and paintbrush sorta shared Baxter.

I finally meet paintbrush in the forest and see them just sitting on a tree stump looking at the ground. I walk over and sit down next the them "hey... you ok??" I said in a worried tone yet still slightly smiling. "oh- uh- yea im ok, just alot on my mind I guess.." they responded. I look at them worried, I just lean on their shoulder. "ohh alright painty!! what did you wanna see me for??" I say smiling. they look at me and open their mouth like they're about to say something, yet they hesitate. "ehhh nothing i just needed some company-" they look over at an empty canvas they have. "Im also out of ideas.." they added annoyed. "ohhh!! maybe I could help give some ideas!!" I say standing up and spinning looking around for anything that could be some sort of inspiration for them, but I couldn't see anything. I cross my arms and look around. I sigh dramatically "sorry painterino I got nothing for ya" I shrug. I look over to see paintbrush snickering to themselves.

// paintbrushes pov //

me and lightbulb spend about an hour just laughing and talking. its nice.. I like talking with her. she makes me feel whole. but- why.. UGH... I shouldn't be thinking to hard about this now, I have better things to be worrying about. like the no inspiration I have... i look over to the empty canvas yet again. hmmm.. "hey.. lightbulb do you think I could maybe paint you??" I say watching her eyes light up. "OMGA YES?!?! ABSOLUTELY" she says clearly thrilled i had even asked.

what feels like forever i finally finish. I look at it proudly. I look over to see lightbulb looking at it, visibly vibrating with excitement. "WOAHH.... HOWD YOU DO THAT?!?!" she practically screams. and then hugs me tightly. I ever so slightly blush hoping she wouldn't notice. as I look at the time and realize its already 10:00 pm. "oh shit lightbulb it's already 10!- we should probably head back-" i say gathering my stuff. "oh darn your right!! also-" she hands me Baxter "here!!" she picks up here stuff and we head home.

we walk into the oj hotel and see fan looking worried and confused- "where have you guys been?!? its already 10:38!!" fan exclaims. "anywho..." he holds up some stal ass biscuits "do you guys want any of my biscuits??" me and lightbulb look in discust. "FAN. STOP TRYING TO GIVE PEOPLE THE BISCUITS YOU FOUND UNDER YOUR COUCH." test tube yells from down the hall. fan looks over at her and runs the opposite way. me and lightbulb just look at each other awkwardly and go to our rooms.

I lay in my bed thinking about lightbulb. something about her just makes me feel so.. ugh... I don't know the word.. I blush at the thought of when she had hugged me. she's the only one who ever really understood me- I mean other then my family but eh- I look over at Baxter and smile. I wonder how lightbulb thinks of me.. I mean, I think she's the most amazing object around- wait- HUH-?? NO I DONT.. ugh i don't know why I think these things.. I should just go to sleep.. I slowly start to drift asleep submerged in thoughts of lightbulb.

// lightbulbs pov //

I sit on my bed blushing. I really think I'm in love.. I cover my face with my hands. maybe ill just call test tube and rant to her. I'm sure she'd understand..

yo testy, can you come to my room for a bit?? I need someone to talk to about somthing :D

ya sure!! I'll be over in a few

I sit waiting for test tube to come in. after what I think is around 5 minutes she knocks on my door and I let her in. "what did you need me for?? especially this late?" she questioned. "i- uhm-.. IM INLOVE WITH PAINTY AND I DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO.." I say panicking to her "WOAH GOLLY CALM DOWN.." "s-sorry!!-" I sigh blushing "well.. uhh- what do you want me to do about it-??" she said tilting her head. "can you PLEEEEAASSE help me tell them??" I beg. I watch her sigh and look at me with pity. "i-.... sure.. why not.." she says sounding slightly annoyed. "OMGA THANK YOU SO MUCH TESTY. YOUR THE BESTEST EVERR." I say grateful.

throughout the night she told me how to properly confess to someone, I trust her with that since SHE confessed to fan. time flies and i realize this has just turned into her yapping about her nerdy ass boyfriend... which I did NOT wanna listen to.. but oh well- as long as test tube is happy-?? besides she helped me a bunch. she finally stops. "bye test tube!!" I say waving "cya!!" she calls back closing the door behind her.

something tells me tommorow is gonna be nice. I smile to myself. I roll on my stomach hugging my pillow and kicking my feet. I hope painty will return my feelings. I stand up walking around my room for a while then stare at my bed leaping onto it and giggling. I look onto my ceiling and notice a crack on it. it kinda looks like paintbrush. I blush at myself for even thinking such things. I cover my face with the pillow and lightly squeal.

( a/n: sorry if this is bad its my first time writing this kind of stuff :,3 )

(DISCONTINUED) ♡ i'm here for you ♡// a lightbrush fanficWhere stories live. Discover now