Beg For Forgiveness

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Beware: SLOW BURN!

Context: Your parents banish you to a convent, where the facade of holy devotion quickly crumbles. The head nun teaching you purity and grace is not a religious leader, but a sadistic tyrant, who revels in inflicting pain and breaking the spirits of her students. You thought you were seeking salvation, but instead you have landed in a living hell.

"Mom! Dad! Please don't do this!" I screamed as they forcefully threw me towards the imposing gates of the convent.

Tears streamed down my face as I begged and pleaded with them, but they only looked on coldly.

The nun guarding the entrance met my parents' gaze and spoke firmly, "Don't fret, she will be safe here. We will teach her the ways of Christ and cleanse her spirit of all evil. You have our word."

I felt two pairs of hands grip my arms tightly and start pulling me towards the door. My protests and struggles were in vain as I was dragged inside. The scent of incense hung heavy in the air, mingling with the faint aroma of wax candles.
My parents remained outside, unmoving like statues.  My mother's face was stoic, but a single tear escaped from her eye and tumbled down her cheek.

"Mama!" I cried out, desperately reaching for her.

But she did not move to comfort me or stop what was happening. The nuns continued to drag me away from my family, their faces stern and unfeeling.

"Stop fighting, you filthy creature," one of the nuns snarled at me as she pulled me away from my parents. Her eyes were full of disgust, as if I were nothing more than dirt on the bottom of her shoe. Her voice exposed with disdain and revulsion, made me feel nothing more than a vermin to be disposed of.

As I was dragged away, the heavy doors slammed shut behind me, their weight sealing my fate. The sound of the lock clicking into place echoed through the empty hallway, a final reminder of my imprisonment. My heart crumbled like shattered glass, each piece falling with a resounding thud as I realized there was no escape from this place.

"Where are you taking me?!" I called out, my voice filled with desperation and fear. But my captors remained silent, their grip on my arms tightening as they pulled me further away from any chance of freedom.

With a sinking feeling in my chest, I took in my surroundings. Cold stone walls towered above me, adorned with faded portraits of biblical figures that seemed to stare down at me with disdain. In the corners of the room, small tables stood like islands in a sea of emptiness, each one holding a lit wax candle and a simple meal of grape juice and bread. The nuns who passed by moved in eerie unison, their robotic footsteps echoing off the stone floors. No one smiled. No one laughed. It was as if all joy had been drained from this place.

My desire to escape only grew stronger as I surveyed this desolate convent I was now trapped in. The stale air seemed to suffocate me and I longed for the warmth and freedom of the world outside these cold walls.

The sound of heavy footsteps echoed through the dimly lit hallway as the nuns dragged me along to a room. They finally released their grip and crossed their arms, revealing a stern expression on both of their faces.

A hush fell over the room as the nuns filed in, their black habits swishing with each step. I felt a chill run down my spine as they all took their places, their eyes boring into me with an intensity that made me want to shrink into myself. But it was the one at the front of the room who commanded all attention, her gaze piercing and unwavering. She wore a crucifix around her neck, the only indication that she held all religious authority.

With a snap of her fingers, the nuns who dragged me down the hall released my arm from their grip.

The nun with the crucifix necklace addressed the group. "This is our latest project," she announced sternly, her British accent laced with authority. "The question remains: who among us will have the privilege of mentoring this lost soul during her time here at Sister Mary's Convent of Christ?"

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