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  The goddess descends to this land, which she called Fódlan. Humans flourished under her guidance, but human greed never seems to stop. Even when most of the earth was wiped out, vengeance is what the remaining human will pursue, as the nature of the human, they can never learn from their mistakes, as for them, the path to their downfall is already paved. 

  The earth recovered, even after most of them were gone, new humans were created to fill the void.  So was it all for nothing? To the depth of the abyss where the sun never graces, a group of descendants from the original human were stirring up a plot, which they will end up plaguing the land of Fódlan for more than a millennia. 

  As for the goddess, she used up her power and withdrew to which ended up being her final resting place. Being a benevolent goddess, was it her fault that the very creatures she helped nourish, and even dearly loved, have raised their blade against her and other creatures? Or was wiping them out too drastic of a measure, that she had to pay the ultimate price of being slaughtered by a bandit during her rest? Regardless, with her dead and body mutilated into weapons, her very own children will not tolerate who had cold-bloodedly murdered their dearest mother. More blood needed to be shed in order to reach the millennia of peace. 

  Even with their divinity, the children of the goddess failed to defend their home from the invading humans of all sorts. Most of their kind were killed before the same bandit was slaughtered by the youngest daughter of the goddess, signalling the end of the bloody war.

  "Cichol, Cethleann, what do you intend to do, now that mother can finally rest?" Seiros questioned some of her last remaining  family. For all that she knows, she wished them to assist her by her side, but a farewell was all that they said as they went into hiding. She knew it was necessary in order to live out a peaceful life, especially with Cichol's wife perished during the genocide on their kind. "It would seem, that the Nabateans have to be what remains in the legends after all..." 

  As Seiros found herself a monastery in the centre of Fódlan in order to oversee the entire continent, the history was rewritten and the truth died alongside the casualties of the war. It would seem the only one still holding onto the truth would be the survivors, and none has the intention to reveal it to a single soul. With the monastery now at her disposal, Seiros declared herself archbishop,  assuming the identity of a mortal. She had also made two oaths to herself, first, to defend this fragile peace that can be so easily shattered, and second, to take back what she shouldn't had lost, Fódlan needs a saviour, so does she need her mother to guide her through both the merciless darkness and the newfound dawn.  

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