CHP.3 - Book , Book on my shelf

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Pitch black

Ears ringing Again !

This is really getting tiring , at least this time Aleister wasn't the cause of my predicament. Slowly rising back onto my feet eyes fluttering open I look at the reason why for the third time this week I've had the senses literally knocked out me.

A foot away from where I was previously sprawled out on the ground stands Dullahan , who I was having spar with me so we could both train our fighting skills luckily I had the sense to have him only use his fists and shield considering what just a strong shield bash did. Judging from the fact the sun is starting to set I was unconscious for roughly two hours.

It seems my Armorbrand spell can't stand up to the strength of Dullahan's Shield bash yet , it's been one week and three days since I've entered the ' Huntik Dimension ' and this was the first spell I learned followed by Hyperstride , Everfight and Augerfrost. I've mostly been practicing those four spells and training with Dullahan since I've got here.

Letting out a sigh of contentness after getting out of a well deserved long , hot bath to soothe my aching muscles I decide it's finally time to actually head into the town and do some shopping and fill my house with actual furniture instead of just the mattress I currently have laying on the floor of my bedroom and the mini-fridge in the corner of the bedroom. After locking up the house I walk into town reading through the book using the time to give it a thorough read instead of just skipping to the tagged pages.

' I stand corrected apparently there was a Cormac MacAlasdair in this Dimension ,  according to this journal he was a powerful seeker who went missing three years ago ' Garret thinks while reading the book , now wondering if the man who would have been his father in this Dimension left behind anything seeker related or perhaps even any clues as to what might of happened to him. One thing is for certain about Cormac though ; he was rich judging by the huge stash of cash Garret found hidden in the journal.

Coming out of the furniture store two hours later Garret heads towards a restaurant he saw in town earlier , his furniture going to be delivered to his house and even set up for him to his specifications. On the way there he subtly uses another spell he's learning from the book ' bubble-lift ' on nearby items using it to progressively lift larger and heavier objects.

After dinner he returns to his new home pleased to see his house is no longer bare , a nice leather couch and a large flat screen TV sitting in the living room , A large double door fridge-freezer combo waiting to be stocked in the kitchen etc. while laying on his King size bed with a oak frame and headboard he hears a beep which at first he assumes is someone ringing his doorbell till he opens his eyes to be met with a floating holographic screen in front of his eyes that reads

Welcome to Dimension : Huntik Champion Garret MacAlasdair

Attempting to brush whatever that is out of his vision he accidentally swipes to the next 'screen' where he's met with another message.

Champion Garret has 11 days before arrival of Huntik Foundation agents , Please complete the following goals in order to be prepared for their tests.

- 10 km run every day : 0 days completed / 0 km completed

- 150 push-ups every day : 0 days completed / 0 push-ups completed

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