🎉illness of love 🎉

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you were one of the oldest ones in the neighborhood. you were only a couple of years older than Wally. that does not mean that you are older than home. only god knows how old that rancid house is.

with that being said, you got along with Julie much better than everybody else. mostly because you have been around the chaotic energy all your life and just can't live without it because of its familiarity.

the winds of the cold winter harshly nipped at your nose. You did not account for the winds of winter so all you had on was a small hoodie. As you walked to the house of your favorite person, your face felt like it was going to fall off. As you knocked on the door, you heard a small groan in annoyance and a little pitter-patter of small feet walking across the floor of the warm home in front of you. the door opened and immediately you got dragged in.

with one look at you, Jullie was ashamed that she had forgotten about the sleepover at your house that day. She was apologizing like a crazy woman as you sat on her sofa. the woman was so sorry, she almost burst into tears! you tried to calm her down but she kept on crying.

*' But I made a pinky promise and then broke it!'*
'we all do it sometimes. it's fine

after you got her to calm down with some stories, she finally got in her right mind and offered you some hot cocoa. of course, you said yes. her hot cocoa is the best. as she made the hot cocoa. you sneezed and Jullie got all worried.

*' You're not sick, are you? oh! I hope not!'*

you shook your head, and you then took off your hoodie. the main reason you came to her house than wait for her is because if she makes a promise, then she will stick to her promise. if she does not then something's wrong.

'so, what's bothering you? What's wrong?'
*hm? What do you mean?'*
'you only go back on your promise if something happens'

she hesitates but then explains what happened to her and how her mother is ill. She is trying to save money to get her treatment but it's not enough. if her mother does not get the treatment then she might not be able to save her. you ask for the hospital and her mother's room number. She asks why.

'nothing much. just curious'

she gives you the information and you make a mental note for later. After you spend time with Jullie, you go back to your house (with Jullie making you take her scarf because of your stupidity) and lay down in your bed. you then pull up the hospital's number and call them. after the call, you feel accomplished. and your wallet is screaming in pain. it's all worth it though.

: the next morning:

you walk to Julie's house and knock on the door. As you wait for her to open the door, you see Barnaby walk past. you wave to him. he goes over to you. he asks if you want to hear a new joke he made. you said that you would like to. As he was telling his joke, Julie flew out of her door and hugged you so tight that you thought that you had broken a rib.


she lets go of you and suddenly gives you a small peck on the lips. you blush and Barnaby walks away, embarrassed and wanting you to have some alone time.

you ask what that was for and she responds with an eye roll.

'you silly little- you paid for my mom's treatment!!!! do you know how much that means to me??'*

you chuckled. she then gives you small pecks all around your face. you giggle harder as she tickles your face. to you, this was taboo. you were not used to this much affection so you were a blushing mess.

'jullie! to much'

she stops after a while and drags you inside her house. She makes you sit down on her couch. She sits next to you, leaning on you lovingly. you are confused as to why she was like this. I mean, you did help her out with the bills but her to react like this?! somethings up...

'jullie? are you ok?'

she mumbles in your shoulder.

'Are you sure? You real lovey right now

you tell her with concern. you did not think this was ok...unless...

'jullie... are you sure that you're ok?'
*' yea..I just- *sigh* think that you are wonderful and that you shouldn't have done that. I dont know how to repay you now!'*

you giggle a bit. you think that she's a little silly. you dragged your arms around her as she lay on top of you. you just didn't want to see Julie sad. now, she's sad again because you did something that made her happy.

Julie was cuddling you as you fell asleep. she felt that you deserved the world and more but you doing this for her was adding to the desire. she always had a little crush on you, hence being around you so much. This morning was the icing on the cake!

she had kissed you. you might not have thought about it much but she was a blushing mess from it. As you slept peacefully, she was thinking about the ways how you would be like if you were dating. There was already a gay couple in the neighborhood, but would they accept you? they are probably going too but there was always that one voice in the back of her mind telling her that there was that one person that won't think kindly of it.

you started to toss and turn in your sleep as she thought about all of the possibilities. you wake to find Jullie in deep thought, a cold expression on her face. the things that you would do to her to make her happy were undeniable.

'jullie, whats wrong?'
*nothing important that you need to worry about*

you shrug it off but have a feeling that something is wrong. you try to get jullie to spill but she refuses. you give up after a while and go back to sleep. After a bit, you awake to find jullie back in her deep thoughts. you nudge her but she won't notice you.

after some time she noticed you. She hugged you and just stayed there. you hugged her back and asked if there was a way for her to feel better. her answer made you blush a bit.

*' Can I have a small peck?'*

you blush but oblige. giving her small pecks around her face was one of the best things you have done. she was a giggling mess after you were done. she then pouted a bit. you asked what was wrong and she just pointed to her lips.

*' You missed a spot'*

you blushed a new shade of red when she said that. As she realized what she had done, she too blushed a deep shade of red. She was studdering some replies (mostly saying sorry) but you didn't care. did she feel that way to you? did she...like you? you didn't know she was gay. you thought she had a crush on Wally for god sake! the time she spent with him was for sure a factor. but nope. you were wrong.

you mustered up all of your courage and went for it. you kissed her. She was surprised that you did it. She didn't mind though as she melted into the kiss. she was in a trance, her mind blank. she was in paradise. As this was happening, you were just hanging out. you liked the kiss, of course, but I think jullie was enjoying it a bit more than you.

you melted with her in the kiss, biting her bottom lip. She squeaked in surprise but let you do what you want with her. you took that opportunity and slipped your tongue into her mouth, fighting for dominance. you of course won easily as you were a bit more controlling right now. or she was getting tired. Either way, you both were enjoying the moment. As soon as it started, you had to pull away for air. damn small lung capacity.

she wined in loss of contact, but you held her face in your hands. She leans into your touch. you then kiss her again, her leaning more into it. she let out a small moan, starting you. you didn't know she was so into this. you blush but let her take control this time. she pushes you to the couch, hands trailing up your thighs.

as she got to your mid-thigh, a loud knock was heard on her door. then Barnaby yelled out something that made jullie groan.

'wass-up? haven't seen you guys out here in a bit. what are you guys doing in there? are you guys ok?'

jullie rolls her eyes and climbs off of you. She opens the door slightly just to let Barnaby that you are fine. she then closes the door, crawling back into you. she then stops once she sees your face. you're a blushing mess, clearly overstimulated. you weren't used to all this so this was a bit too much at once. she sighed and just lay on you. She then started to fall asleep a bit.

'i love you'
'i love you too jullie'

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