Part 4!!

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A/N: Sorry I've been gone so long, i haven't had any motivation whatsoever and I'm also supposed to be grounded right now, no promises i will post again for another month but i sure as hell will try.

Macaques POV:

I sighed as i cuddled closer against Wukong, the storm was long gone but he just kept on holding me; not that i was complaining though, i love having him around though ill never admit it out loud.. There's just something about him that's calming, that makes me feel safer than I've ever felt before, i just cant put my finger on it. Either way, it doesn't matter what it is that makes me feel this way around him, its that its him that makes me feel that way, only him. I could hear his heart beat, loud and clear as i rested my head against his chest, somehow that added to the comfort of the situation.. I could hear everything, his soft breathing and his tail swishing lazily across the floor behind us both. I was grateful to be inside and warm with him by my side, i never knew someone who i was supposed to hate could bring so much comfort at the same time but then again, i can never bring myself to hate him, no matter what he does wrong.

I felt him shift and my ears perked up, i lifted some of my weight off him as he began to stand. I sat up as he got to his feet and stretched, his tail swaying down by his feet "you hungry?" i heard him ask. I looked up at him and just shook my head, despite the fact i was hungry i didn't want to be a burden.. I heard him let out a soft sigh and i could hear the irritation masked beneath it, "tell me the truth Macaque, You hungry or not?" he turned to look at me, despite being irritated with me he still looked at me with a soft gaze. My eyes widened as he called me out on lying about not being hungry and i crossed my arms "fine. yes i am hungry, happy?" i grumbled and shifted my body slightly to take some of the weight off one side and onto the other.

Wukong came back with a bowl of fruit, I looked at it and smiled softly before I shook my head, "still can't cook huh?". He gasped and put his hand on his chest "how rude to assume!" He joked with a cocky grin before he spoke again "but you got me, I just order noodles from Mks pig friend all the time.." He put his hand on the back of his neck and smiled awkwardly. I just chuckled before I stood up, "that's far from healthy, y'know?" I grabbed his hand and pulled him twords the little shed he somehow called a house.. We stepped up the stairs our hands locked together as I lead him into the house. "I'll make you something just stay here." I let go of his hand and pushed him gently twords the couch before I opened up a portal beneath myself.

I opened a portal back up and stepped through it, multiple bags of groceries in my arms "hope you don't mind I took a couple coins from of that mountain of gold you have for this.", he waved me on as he sat there clearly not caring that i took anything. I walked off to the small little kitchen area he had and began to fix up a small meal for the both of us, despite it hurting to stand I was happy to be doing this.. It was just like the old days again.

Boy how I missed these days.

Word count: 635
A/N: Sorry I've taken so long, I've been really busy with getting my grades back up and taking care of my animals. Enjoy this chapter and hopefully I'll have another one done soon!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 07 ⏰

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