Part 7

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As the bell rang for lunch, EXO, a group of nine vampire-like boys, made their way to the cafeteria, their eyes gleaming with curiosity and excitement. They had been assigned to the same class as BLACKPINK, a group of mermaids so beautiful and enchanting that they could make even the most hardened of hearts skip a beat. EXO had never seen anything like them before and couldn't help but feel a strange pull towards them.As they sat down at their table, EXO's members began to steal glances at the mermaids, each of them becoming more and more infatuated with their unique beauty. The members of BTS, who were also in the class, watched this display with growing suspicion and anger. They knew that these newcomers were only interested in their girls, and they weren't about to let them have them without a fight.

Jennie Kim, also known as A mermaid, sat down next to BTS's leader, Kim Namjoon. She felt his gaze burning into her, and she couldn't help but blush. Rosepark Chaeyoung, known as singing mermaid, giggled with Lisa, the cute mermaid, as they exchanged friendly banter with the boys from EXO. Kim Jisoo, also known as visual mermaid, caught the eye of Suho, who tried to engage her in conversation. Kim Y/N, the pearl mermaid, and Kim Aria, the dancing mermaid, were surrounded by the members of EXO, who were all vying for their attention. Finally, Park Kia, the star mermaid, chatted animatedly with Kai, one of the members of EXO.

Meanwhile, BTS's members watched with growing displeasure as their girls were being fawned over by the newcomers. They couldn't help but feel protective of them, and they knew that something had to be done. As the lunch period wore on, tensions between the two groups began to escalate, setting the stage for a confrontation that neither side was prepared for.As the bell rang for the end of lunch, EXO's members filed out of the cafeteria, their eyes locked on the mermaids who had captured their hearts. They couldn't help but feel a sense of possession over them, even though they had only just met. BTS, however, wasn't about to let them get away so easily. They followed close behind, ready to confront the boys who dared to step out of line.

In the hallway outside the cafeteria, the two groups faced off, the air thick with animosity and barely concealed hostility. EXO's members stood their ground, their fangs bared and eyes glowing red in the dim light. BTS, on the other hand, clenched their fists and prepared for a fight, determined to defend their territory and the girls they cared for. The tension was palpable as the two groups circled around each other, the sounds of footsteps echoing eerily through the empty hallways.

As the confrontation reached a boiling point, a voice cut through the air, silencing both groups. It was their teacher, who had heard about the commotion and had rushed to investigate. Her expression was one of disappointment and anger as she surveyed the scene before her. She knew that this fight had been brewing for some time now, and she wasn't about to let it escalate any further. With a sigh, she addressed the two groups. "You know the rules," she said sternly. "There will be no fighting in school grounds. Now, you all need to go back to your classes and behave yourselves."

Neither side was particularly happy with this turn of events, but they knew better than to defy their teacher. Reluctantly, they turned away from each other and headed back to their respective classes. As they walked, each member couldn't help but feel a sense of unease and foreboding. They knew that this was far from over, and that the next time they crossed paths, it was bound to end in disaster.

Throughout the rest of the day, tensions only seemed to rise. BTS and EXO found themselves glancing over their shoulders, constantly on edge. The air in the school seemed thick with animosity, as if a storm were brewing just beyond the horizon. Their teachers noticed the change in atmosphere and did their best to diffuse the situation, but it was clear that something more drastic needed to be done.

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