Chapter 5 : Sweet home

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After the reunion at the airport
the three finally emerged.
taehyung went straight to the car. exhaustion evident in every step. He slumped into the back seat, feeling drained to the core.His limbs felt heavy, as if they were weighed down by lead.

Closing his eyes, he let out a tired sigh. and he wanted nothing more than to go home and pass out on his bed,his friends 'messed-up' state long forgotten.

On the other side, Yoongi carefully placed the brunette's luggage in the trunk, a genuine smile spreading across his face at the sight of the younger. He felt a warmth in his heart, seeing Taehyung again after some time apart. It was like having a younger brother back by his side.

Jimin also joined in to help with the bags, but couldn't ignore the tension building as he noticed Yoongi's persistent glare. With a nervous gulp, Jimin finally spoke up, unable to bear the weight of Yoongi's gaze any longer.

"Wha... what's wrong why are you glaring at me?" he stammered, pointing a finger at himself.
Though he knew the reason behind the glare, he couldn't resist playing the innocent card, hoping to diffuse the situation.

Yoongi's glare only intensified further,Why not? After all, he was the one who had frantically searched high and low for his husband.

"Uhh... okay, I know I just abandoned you. I know. So what, huh!? I just got excited to meet my friend," Jimin uttered, a hint of defensiveness in his voice as he shrugged his shoulders.

"And if you want me to apologize for that then just...fuck off." hitting his hand in the air, he cleared his point. With that, he walked towards the passenger seat and got in.

Leaving Yoongi in disbelief. It felt like he is the one at fault here.
wondering why he even married this man in the first place. Oh, that was another story to tell. With a shake of his head, he too got into the car. There was no way he could win against his husband.

They were halfway to Taehyung's house when suddenly, a thought jolted the brunette awake. With a furrowed brow, he briefly opened his eyes. "Hyung..." His voice wavered with hesitation, tinged with a hint of urgency and concern.

Yoongi glanced at him through the rearview mirror, catching the troubled expression on Taehyung's face. Jimin too turned to look at him.

"Huh?" he queried, his voice soft with understanding.Gulping nervously Taehyung hesitated before speaking. "If the others... if they know about my return..." He trailed off, anxiety evident in his tone.

Jimin sensed Taehyung's apprehension and reached out, gently grasping his hand
offering a comforting squeeze
as he replied "No... not yet...."

Upon hearing this Taehyung breathed out, a sense of relief washing over him as he sank back into his seat.

He thought about his other hyungs. He hasn't been in contact with anyone in these two years other than Jimin and his parents. Even though he isn't speaking with anyone, he learns about their lives through Jimin. During times like these, his tongue itches to ask about that one person too. But he controls himself by biting his tongue.

The couple also knew what scares
the younger, having been there for all his past events. Concern etched across their faces, they exchanged a worried glance before redirecting their attention to the road ahead.

"Oh my God, honey, come see who's here!" Mrs. Kim's voice trembled with emotion as she screamed and burst into tears as soon as the door opened, revealing their son.

Mr. Kim came out within seconds, his eyes glistening with tears of joy. As they both hugged their son dearly, their embrace was filled with a mix of relief, love, and overwhelming happiness.

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