~Self Confidence~

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What's wrong with being,

what's wrong with being,

What's wrong with being



Yep! This part is about self confidence! So let's start!


Confidence comes not from

always being right


from not fearing to be wrong


Confidence is the courage to be yourself,

no matter what others think or say.


Okay, so let me give you a few examples on what I mean by 

self confidence.


Let's say, your Emma.

Emma likes to read a lot! But her classmates think it's lame.

One day, when your going to your class, Troy, a bully, takes all of your books away, and starts making fun of you.

"Your such a nerd!"

                                               "What a dork!"

"Who even likes reading?!"

                                                                    "She's so ugly! ew!"

Do you just stand there and let them make fun of you?


You stand up for yourself and show Troy who's boss!


Because you confident and you know your right.


 "quotes" by be:

You don't have to worry about what others might say about you

You don't have to always lissen to everyone and let them make you feel bad.

In fact,

the only thing YOU should be worring about,

Is if you're confident inough to stand up for yourself.


Don't let others get to you, your too amazing to be insulted!


You are your own person

You don't need anyone to stand up FOR you

You have the confidence IN you

So, bring THAT CONFIDENCE out!


Don''t say, "I can't"

say, "I can, and I will!"


                              ~End of chapter two~


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