Part 1 (pre-packing scene)

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[inside heeler's house, kitchen]

BLUEY [sitting by counter]:: (sigh) I'm bored... (shout) can we get ice cream?

BANDIT [from couch]:: (shout) no chance.

BLUEY:: bum bum bam bu bum du~ [cut off by bang on door]

BLUEY [confused]:: who's there? you didn't say anything about anyone coming over..

[bluey runs to door, camera facing door after arrival]

(bluey opens door)


BLUEY:: woah muffin..! (giggle)


BANDIT (covering ears):: not so loud, kiddo

BINGO:: (runs over) hi muffin! uhhh, what are you doing here?

MUFFIN:: you're coming to my place for the weekend~ aunt chilli and uncle bandit are gonna go on holiday! butttt, before you get in the car..

BLUEY:: whaaatt? dad is that true..? I don't want to leave you and mum...

BANDIT:: I swear I didn't know about this (did know), if you have to, go pack your bags (forgot to tell them).

BINGO:: aweeee.... what do I bring though?

BLUEY:: you should probably bring graydancer, uhm... a book.. (confused on what to bring)


BINGO:: socks is here? why did uncle stripe leave her in the car? (moves to look behind muffin)

MUFFIN:: no, socks isn't here.. but you need to bring socks.

BLUEY [confused]:: why?

MUFFIN:: were gonna have a sock party~ socks wanted to party with dad and I kinda wanted us to join at the sleepover so we don't miss out..

BLUEY:: (points at stripe's feet) so socks with those lines..?

STRIPE:: (looks at his feet) yeah, (looks up) also can you get some socks for muffin? we don't have any socks at home... (under breath) or socks ripped them all up.. (sigh)

[bluey and bingo smile, then run to their room and pack bags]

[camera stays by door, the girls going out of sight]

[title screen pops up]

"This episode of 'bluey' is called 'socks'!"

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