Chapter 1

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The man looks down at you silently, eyes narrowed in an inscrutable expression.


Still, no words are exchanged from the man. He gives a small slight nod at you to show acknowledgment

"you from around here?" you asked the taller blonde man.

The man shakes his head no to signify he is not from around here. He gestures toward your direction and then back at himself, implying that he's trying to figure out if you are from here

"I arent," you admitted with a sheepish smile. You scratched your nape and let out a low chuckle "I got lost"

The man's attention shifts to you fully. He gives you a stern stare with a look that says he is not sure if he can trust you or not.

You rub your neck in embarrassment. "I always get lost every time"

He eyes you carefully, sizing you up, before reaching a silent conclusion that you are most likely lost. He takes in your features and looks you over. He finally speaks, although it is still in a quiet mumble, "You lost?" he asks although it feels more like he was reassuring.

You nod in reply, still smiling.

The man stares at you for a while, seemingly processing your answer. Then he speaks again, although his voice remains in a low, mumbly state "Name?" 

"y/N! But you can call me N/N." I spoke with a grin, "What's yours?"

The man mumbles out his name which you can barely hear. He seems self-conscious about revealing his name. He also seems like he is having trouble pronouncing his own name, causing the sounds to distort slightly "...Corazon".

"Corazon? That means heart. Thats a sweet name" you cooed

The man gives a small, silent chuckle. He seems genuinely pleased that somebody thinks his name is sweet. He also seems to have a slight twinge of nostalgia. He speaks again, his voice slightly higher in volume than before, but still a low mumble

"...Thank you."

"No problem!"

The man gives you another small chuckle. He looks at you for a bit longer before he speaks again

"What are you doing here?"

"I have a race" you replied immediatly.

The man raises an eyebrow at you curiously, "A race?"

He seems interested. He takes another look at you up and down, seemingly sizing you up

"I do skateboarding you know" you clarified.

His expression seems to shift to slight surprise "You skate?" He is looking at you curiously, as if trying to figure out if you are messing with him or not

"Yeah." I showed him my precious skateboard. It was blueish and has drawings all over  "This is called Reki L25"

He glances at your skateboard, examining it closely. He raises an eyebrow at you, seeming to have some sense of respect towards your skating skills "...Impressive."

You noticed his eagerness and offered, "You wanna give a go?"

He considers your offer before responding  "..I haven't skated in a while, but...sure."

"Here you go" I said placing my skateboard down

He picks up the skateboard, his arms wrapping around the board and taking up a comfortable stance on it. He then looks back up at you "...Ready?"

"You bet" you spoke as you picked up your spare skateboard and placed it.

He nods and begins skating, trying to shake off the rust and get used to the board again. He skates down the street, slowly picking up speed. His balance is very good, and his speed is starting to gradually pick up as he accelerates. In a way, it does seem like he is enjoying himself, as subtle grin creeps across his lips

Authors Note


So I had made this story a long time, ago but forgot about it -_-

 So here I am, publishing this late.

It was originally supposed to be a one shot, but I had fun writing this so....... It's longer than a normal oneshot

Until next chapter, See ya


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22 ⏰

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