Ep 6

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"Wow, what is that?" Nex said.

"Well, it's a black box, and look, it has your face in it," I said as I opened the box. Nex hates it when he sees a dirty box or a not-clean object.

"Well, get that away from me," Nex said as he went far from me. I look at the box inside as I see jewelry; it's so familiar to me, like seeing this before. "Hey, that's a necklace that your mother is wearing right," Nex said as I placed the box on the floor.

That brings me back to when I was a kid. I played this necklace when my aunt shouted at my mom, not noticing that mom was carrying me. "How did you know?" I asked. "Well, pa, once finding that necklace that he lost, then I asked him if there was a picture of it, and then he showed me that necklace," he said as he got it on my hand.

"Did you know that Pa shared a story of your mom and him?" he said as he looked at me. "Well, I remember that when Mama was 18 years old, Pa gifted her a necklace", I said. "Then your mother went through it all like nothing, and Pa gifted her a necklace," Nex said as I don't remember that he said. "Wait, I don't remember that Mom didn't take the gift," I said.

"Well, every time Pa shared a story, you always ended up sleeping," Nex said as he giggled. "But is there anything that Grandpa says?" I ask. "Well, I don't really remember, but he says that this is one of her treasures because this is the last gift and last of their communication when you are not still alive," Nex said, which makes me sad. Why would a mother do that to his dad? "Ohh, it's got me thinking, why would your mom do that right?" he asks, as that is also my question.

"Well, we never know, because I never talk to my mom, nor see her again," I say as I put the necklace on my bag. "Let's go outside to get refreshed, because this is too sad for me," I say as I start to walk outside. As we go out, we continue on walking, and once in awhile, we stay at the trees that we found and rest.

As we are resting, Nex is asleep as I read the book on how we would go to our next destination. As I was reading the pages, it says that we would encounter a big tree, and I just realized that I just sow it earlier, the Angel Oak tree.

I want to go there, yet Nex is still sleeping.

I don't want to disturb him. I just continue reading until Nex wakes up.

"Hey, I'm hangry, do you have food?" he asks. "Yeah, hear," I say as I give him some snacks. "Hey Nex, we need to find the Angel Oak," I say as he looks at me.

"The what now?" he asks as he is confused on what just I said. "You mean the big tree that we just passed?" he says. "Wait, did you so it too?" I ask. We just packed and walked until we got to the Angel Oak tree.

"This is beautiful," Nex said. "Yes indeed," I said as suddenly Nex started to go at the tree and climb. "Hey, what are you doing?" I ask as he calls my name to go up there. I join him at the top as we see the beautiful trees surrounding us, and then Nex starts to take pictures of the place as I start to look at the other clue. Then I found it, under the tree, a basket.

"What is that?" Nex asked as I suddenly went down. "Well, it's a basket that's full of fruit," I said. "Wait WHAT!?" Nex shouts as he goes down. "Who put that here and are we allowed to get this?" Nex asks and is worried.

"Well yes, because, remember that old woman that we met at the hotel?" I ask. "Well, she always put a basket here and had a picnic, but today is different because we are on a journey; if we eat it, it means that we've already found the first treasure," I say happily. "But how would she put this? We are far from the hotel," Nex asked.

"Well, she has a short way to her cave, and here, she didn't tell me what way, but she asked me before if I wanted really bad to know the way, it'd mean I'm going to exit the adventure that my grandpa made," I said as I started eating the fruit's. We enjoyed eating the fruit's and resting for the night.

We made a fire and started preparing for our sleep. I fell asleep first as Nex stayed awake to look out, then I woke up and found Nex reading. We exchanged, and he fell asleep really fast.

He must be very sleepy; as I'm awake, I hear a cracking wood. I wanted to wake up Nex, but my body didn't move.

Then suddenly the old woman arrived.

"You scared me," I said. "Oh, I'm sorry, my dear," she said, apologizing.

"It's still night, why are you here?" I ask. "Well, it's already 3 in the morning, and I got on thinking that I should get the basket or full fill it or something," the old lady said. "Oh, well technically, we eat it all," I said in embarrassment.

"No, it's fine, darling, I should full fill it again for your next journey," the old lady offered as she took the basket and went to the forest. I ask her if she needs me, but she says that my friend needs me. Then she arrives, and the sun is about to set. "Thanks, old lady," I said as I received the basket. "Do you want to know the exit?" the old lady asked.

"Well, I'm good, old lady," I said as she began to walk in the forest until I didn't see her. Then Nex wakes up. "Good morning, Nex," I said, "oh, good morning," he said. "The old lady came here and filled up this basket again and put some extra to eat when we get tired or something," I said. As we ate for breakfast and started to walk, we found a tree, and Nex suddenly went to one of the trees and started putting a stick in it with water in it.

"What is that?  I asked. "This is Sycamore trees; you can drink it," he said as he drinks. As I ask for some, we fill up our battle's and continue on walking. We arrive at the lake, as the book also says that we're going to see a lake.

It has a reaver on it: "Hey Victoria," Ne called me. "This place is really beautiful, don't you think?" Nex said, so calming as the water made a song on it. Nex does have a deep voice when he gets serious, and it's creeping me out when he suddenly does that, but to  this day his words flow like the water.

"Yes indeed, Nex," I said as I joined him, looking at the water from the bridge. "Also, did you know that Rei is here?" Nex said suddenly.

"Say what now?" I ask as I'm confused.

"Well, last night his bird arrived and sent a message to me and told me that we would meet him at the bridge if we made it," Nex said as I'm assuming that Rei is from here. "And you are telling me that we need to wait for Rei to arrive," I said.

"Yes," he said as we noticed someone was approaching. "Hey Rei," Nex said, running to him. "Wow, you two made it; you two are really cool," Rei said. "Of course, thanks to Victoria, we made it here," Nex said, looking at me.

"Oh yeah, right, good day, Victoria," Rei said, bowing to me. "Good day as well," I said. "You two must be tired; why don't we get some rest?" Rei offered. "Wait, do you leave here?" I asked.

"Well yeah, my mom is the old lady that you so earlier," Rei said as me and Nex looked at each other.

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