Chapter 13

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I was beginning to get lightheaded by the dust as Sania arranged all the firecrackers around me in a line. She even put some very big ones, their faces all pointing towards me.

"You know this won't kill you, right?" She grunted, grabbing one off the floor and placing it near my foot. I tried to kick them away, but she placed it way too far. I strained against the rack, trying to kick them away, but it began to dip.

"Careful. If the stuff falls on you, you're for sure dead. But struggle all you can. If you die after being crushed by this rack, I won't have to worry about you recovering from your burns," she smirked.

"Do you even have a heart?!" I screamed, tugging at the rope. No use. The knot Yasir had tied was way too tight for me to pry it open.

"Nope," she answered, popping the 'p' as she played with the lighter in her hand. That's what she had clutched in the palm of her hand before.

"Sania, you think this won't have consequences?!" I said, panicking. "Saif won't leave you alive!"

She rolled her eyes and lit a piece of paper on fire. She placed it near the string of the first firecracker.

"Enjoy!" She called out, walking outside and bolting the door again.

I tried desperately to put out the fire, which was slowly burning up the paper and reaching the firecracker. But no matter how much I tugged, the rack wouldn't let me budge. 

"Oh no," I sniffed, letting the tears fall as the fire advanced towards the explosive objects at a lightening speed.

"Saif, where are you?! Is anyone here?! Please, please help me!" I screamed, tears running down my face. I yanked at the rope and wiggled my wrist, trying to loosen it up. Finally, I was able to make enough space to be able to forcefully slide my hand out. The rope cut at the skin at various spots, making it bleed. I tried to make a run for it but was a breath too late.

I watched in utter horror as the paper burnt completely and torched the first firecracker. It made a loud, sputtering sound before going off.

I screamed and turned away, covering my face with my arms. There were several subsequent fires before I felt a sharp pain travel up my feet and legs.

The pain was unbearable.

I tried to run out despite it, but another firecracker went off and hit me in the hand.

"Aah!" I screamed painfully, turning around, trying to cover my face, but my hand was in too much pain, and I couldn't focus.

Things were starting to become a blur.

There were still more than a dozen firecrackers left, and once I fell unconscious, I'd probably burn down with the entire storage room.

"Ayra!" I heard someone shout.

Was I imagining things now?

"Ayra!" It came again before I felt a soft cloth wrap around my back, and shoulders and strong hands grip my arms. They pulled me up and began to lead me out.

My feet hurt like crazy and I fell on this person, and they were literally dragging me out into safety.

The shots were deafening and I was no longer able to comprehend all that was happening.

My hands and feet ached like crazy. A mind-numbing pain had travelled throughout my lower limbs, and my feet gave in as soon as we exited the room.

"Ayra! Are you okay? Oh Allah, Ayra, please hold on," I heard Saif's panicked shouting as my feet gave way, and I went limp in his arms, like a rag doll.

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