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As time passes, you both decide to make the relationship official, as in marriage, although that's a big step..


You've always addressed your concerns about just how scared you are of the water to him, since you've drowned in the pond as a kid back in the temple, screaming until one of the temple maidens ended up jumping in to save you..

One day, your in the bathroom, about to take a long and relaxing bath, with only  a towel wrapped around you, smiling as you were to step into the tub when he walks in, not surprising since this is quite a common occurrence..

His eyes immediately caught sight of you through the mirror, as he took a few steps into the bathroom behind you. His eyes roamed up and down your body, as he couldn't stop focusing on the sight before him. He saw that you only had a towel wrapped around yourself, and thought of ways to tease you slightly with the position that you were in. He walked up behind you and gently pulled you back onto his body with one arm, wrapping the other around your waist..

"Woah, looks like I've got myself quite the view here? I still can't get used to it, I think we should bath together?"

You blush and look down, squirming as you try to pull away, wondering what's on his mind again. his hands move down to the towel, about to pull it way..

"mhh.. no no.. I'll scream if you do it.."

You say, blushing harder, although you obviously want him to do it, and he knows that.. He chuckled softly as your reaction had intrigued him. He spoke with a playful tone.

"Is that so...? And whose going to hear you...?"

He leaned forward and gently bit your shoulder as his grip on you tightened, his arms sliding upwards towards the edge of your towel, then suddenly picks you up, bridal style with his hands wrapping around your frame, and starts walking out the bath room

"Gosh.. stop stop.. people, the maids will see us.."

You spoke up, blushing harder and burying your head onto his chest with embarrassment, He smirked as he carried you out the room. His fingers began to tease the edge of your towel slowly.Your reaction had amused him, and he couldn't help but feel his hand slowly travel upwards, just for the sake of teasing you

"And what if the maids saw...? It would make for an entertaining evening, for them"

He added with a teasing tone .He smiled as you held onto him. He then came to a stop as they reached the outdoor pool that they had in the garden. He gently let you down and then took the towel from your hand.

" I'll teach you how to swim dear. Now, before this gets in the way of our lesson..."

He said teasingly, as he removed the towel from around you. He turned your body around to face the shallow part of the pool.

"Now, step in before I throw you in!"

He said teasingly, before diving in, as he watched you dip your toe into the water, before stepping in slowly. He swam around for a few seconds before surfacing again, making sure to keep an eye on you. He watched as your feet struggled to keep you afloat, and he chuckled softly as you were trying to avoid going underwater. He then swam up towards you and moved in front of you.

"Here, hold on to my back" 

he said, and extended his arms to let you know you could wrap your arms around him, which you did without hesitation. He smiled as you held onto him to stay afloat. Although the water was cold, he was more focused on the fact that you were the one pressed up against him. Once he was certain that you had a firm grip on him, he slowly started swimming you towards the deep end of the pool. His smile grew wider as he felt your arms around his neck.

 He felt your naked body pressed against his own and he couldn't help but get aroused, he swam back to the shore, and pressed your body against the wall of the pool, and leaned in for a kiss.. His fingers grasped your arms to keep you in place, while his arms also held you pressed up against him.  His lips did not break contact with yours, as he took in your sweet taste .He moved his tongue around to explore inside your mouth, as his fingers continued to slide further down your arms. His right arm was wrapped around your waist, holding you tightly. 

His hands shifted to grasp your hips tightly, as he moved your body up so that it rubbed against his own as he continued to hold you, you breathe heavily from the coldness of the water and decide to speak up

"Can we go back in now? please.. it's getting so cold here"

He smiled as a response to your request. He did not want to stop having you pressed up against him, yet he could not ignore your shivering and the fact that you wanted to go back into the shallow water. He held your waist tighter, before pulling you back upwards.

"Fine...but, you've got to give me a reward afterwards..."

He smirked as he continued to hold you. He had an obvious idea on what the reward may be, He could not stop himself from teasing you.


(Next chapter will have smut hehe.. please don't be mad at my awful writing, sorry for the mistakes I don't proof read since I am busy with classes and studies..)

HIS QUEEN | Sukuna x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now