Welcome to New York

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          Every other day is the same, nothing new. Everyday, I wake up to birds chirping out the window, I get up, get ready for school, come back and do homework then repeat. Life didn't really mean much to me at the time. I thought it was just a little game we all are in. Born to live but die after. It felt really meaningless. I didn't really have a great childhood growing up, I have always been the 'glass child' of my family. 

          My parents didn't really pay much attention to what I do...even if I got hurt, got achievements, had as school play, or even if I was getting bullied. They had always pay more attention to my spoiled little brother, spoiled him him with gifts. They always put him first in their life but I got use to it growing up.

          I've learnt that in life, I guess you cant really get what you want unlike in the fairy tales. Now my only goal is to study hard, get into a prestigious college and move out. It's frustrating that my parents will boast to their friends and colleagues about only have one child in front. 

          I remembered when my parents asked me to join them for a family party my brother "accidentally" locked me in my room. Did anyone believe me when I told them? absolutely not. Back to the present, we are moving from Italy to America because apparently my brother wanted to visit the America but now we are permanently living there. 

          I'm now on a flight from Italy to America I never really thought id visit the US , let alone live there. I was really excited to start a new life even if I didn't really had the best life in Italy I thought maybe the US would be different. We got out of the airport and now we are in the busy city of New York, America. Big tall buildings were everywhere. New York was very noisy due to the many vehicles around. It was very crowded too. 

          We got a taxi to our relatives house and it took about an hour becuase of the heavy traffic and terrible weather conditions. I was in the back seat with my brother and mom. I sat silently, I was on my phone. Both of them minded their own businesses until When arriving near my aunt's place I noticed it was a beautiful modern mansion. When we had arrived my aunt was outside welcoming us in. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23 ⏰

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