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Hey guys hope u all r well🥰. Then let's goooo....😊

Joong was in his own mind when his phone rings ; he looked at his phone to see his Dad calling him so he attend the call..

(In call)
Joong:hello da----


Before Joong can even answer someone shout from the other side so loud that he have to keep his phone away from his ears...

That someone was his papa Win..

Joong:pa why r u shouting like this on call..

Win:just tell me what I asked u dumb head??

Joong:well what u want to know & why r u calling mr from dad's phone what happened to ur's?

Win:well I heard the news about my baby Dunk is back from my lovely grandchild & about calling from ur dad's phone is cause when I heard the news in excitement I throw my phone in water..

Joong facepalm(🤦🏻‍♂️) by knowing the doing of his papa..no wander from where his younger brother get all clumsy & craziness from(🙍🏻‍♂️)

Joong:oh pa why u did that! & yes ur Dunk is back pa u

Win:am so happy to know that finally u got him back to u. I know nothing is ok but my son can make everything better right!

Joong:yes pa, u know there is also one more thing u will not believe

Win:what is it son tell me I didn’t hear everything Preied said u know na..

Joong:is dad with u too pa?

Bright:yes son am here too also all ur uncle's r here..

Earth:yeah Joong say what is it son?

James:we r all hearing u Joong..

Joong:pa u kn-know what-t I just-t didn’t only-y find my sunflower I also-s find-d my son-n...

Win:what-t did-d u just-t say?

Joong:yes pa I am a dad now, dad u heard na right u heard dad ur son is also a dad now... (with shaky voice)

Win:phi'bai did u hear what he said, phi'mix

Mix:Joong is it for real..

Joong:yes pa mix it’s real I have a son u know he is just like me...

Bright:Joong we r coming back as soon as we can..

Net:yeah we r coming & no need to tell anyone this..

Joong:ok dad uncle I'll arran----

Win:don’t need. I can't wait to meet them. Son I'll hung up now ok..

Joong:ok pa. Have a safe flight hmm..

Win:hmm love u my baby & tell Gem that too ok..

Joong:🙂 of cause will & Love u too pa

(Call end)

Joong after cutting the call start doing his work while thinking how to gaib everything again, how to make everything like before......


(At School)

Arein was sitting in school cafeteria with his now friend named Jeo..

They both were just sitting & talking

In this few days Arein has becomes the handsome heartthrob of Harrow (😌)

So everytime u will find girls & even boys following him but who cares🤷🏻‍♂️

After all he is the son of Joong Archen Aydin 😌 handsomeness run on their body🙂

As Arein & Jeo was talking someone comes their sitting with them...

& the person was none other than Preied😁

Preied:hi hia! ☺️

Arein:hello there my sugarcane 🙂 how was class?

Preied: it was boring as always 😤 but happy think I have half day off😁😁

Arein smile at his brother behaviour as he now can read his face clearly

And also he is now much protective for him after what happened in London.....

Jeo:btw guys where r u going to go now as we also have half class today too?

Preied:really hia! (Arein nodded) then let's go to Dad & dada office😁

Arein:but what will do by going there Ied? They r all working right nah!

Preied:so what!  Let's go na na na na☹😺

Arein:eweh don’t make that kitty face ; ok ok let's go happy...

Preied:of cause yeahhhhhh!! Let's go to dada office there we will meet uncie DunkDunk too😁😁

Arein:ok let me just call our driver hmm (Preied nodded while eating a lollipop👌🏻) & Jeo where u gonna go?

Jeo:I'll just go to some music shop to get the new box set of Gemini🤩

Arein:u really a great fan of him right😐

Jeo:of cause I just wish to meet him one day🤩🤩🤩 (dreamy eyes)

Preied:(in low voice) hia is phi'Jeo a fan of Gemgem uncie?

Arein:yes he is like a crazy one.

Preied:hia if someday uncie came to pick us & phi' sees that what will happen then🤭

Arein:yeah u naughty boy 😆😆

Jeo:what r u both talking like that huh!🤨

Arein & Preied maintain their self & said it’s  nothing......

After sometime their driver comes & both gets in they also took Jeo along for dropping him where he wants..

------------------------so this is it. Hope u all enjoy reading. See u in next part till then bye👋🏻👋🏻🥰🥰🥰

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