Phone calls of Doubts

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In April, I began to feel insecure about my relationship. I couldn't shake the discomfort I felt when my boyfriend was surrounded by girls who seemed to stare at me whenever I waited for him outside. I mustered the courage to address my concerns with him, expressing my discomfort with the situation. We had a conversation and reached an agreement, acknowledging that I also didn't appreciate him confiding in other girls about our problems instead of talking to me directly.

Despite my reluctance, I tried to communicate and work through our issues. Eventually, I decided to remove everyone from my life to prevent my boyfriend from feeling insecure like I did. However, when he assured me he deleted everyone except one girl Jane, it only intensified my feelings of insecurity. Knowing there was someone he prioritized over me left me feeling unsettled, but I chose to keep my concerns to myself for months.

Then, one day, I received a call from an unknown number, and a boy's voice warned me to be careful, mentioning a girl named Haley whom my boyfriend had hurt in the past. Those words haunted me, filling me with fear and uncertainty. I couldn't shake the feeling of dread, and I broke down in tears, confiding in my mum about everything.Her words of wisdom resonated with me, reminding me not to let the actions of others dictate my happiness. Still, I couldn't shake the lingering doubts and fears. When I confronted my him about the call, he brushed it off, claiming the girl was just someone he used to date and dismissing her as "crazy." I chose to believe him, but deep down, I wondered if I was being naive. Despite the doubts and uncertainties, we remained together because I trusted him too much to let go. And for a while, things went back to normal, and happiness prevailed. But the lingering doubts continued to linger in the back of my mind, casting a shadow over our relationship.

In May, we spent all our time together, and it felt like pure bliss. I trusted him implicitly, feeling as though I could entrust him with my life. It was a feeling of security and comfort that I had never experienced before. We were both surprised by how long our relationship had lasted, as if it were somehow meant to be.

As our fifth month together approached, I wanted to do something special to celebrate our milestone. Despite having had an argument just before, we managed to resolve it, as we always did. That was the beauty of our relationship – every argument only seemed to make us stronger. With the disagreement behind us, I decided to decorate my room with balloons and other festive decorations to mark the occasion.

On the 20th of May, we returned to our favorite spot – our bench. It was a place that held special significance for us. As we sat there together, basking in each other's company, we decided to engrave our initials into the bench, a symbol of our commitment to each other and the memories we had created together. It was a moment of pure happiness, and I knew in my heart that our love would only continue to grow stronger with each passing day.

Until we went to play basketball – his favorite sport. I knew how much he adored basketball, and I couldn't resist joining him on the court. Despite my lack of skill, I embraced the experience, relishing the chance to spend time with him. Watching him play, his passion and dedication were evident in every move he made. As I sat on the sidelines, mesmerized by his athleticism, I couldn't help but feel a surge of pride and admiration. However, amidst the excitement of the game, a jarring interruption occurred. I received a message that caught me off guard. Initially assuming it was from my mother, I was taken aback to discover it was actually from his phone – a WhatsApp message from a girl called Selena. It struck a nerve, especially considering he had blocked her on Snapchat. The contradiction left me feeling confused and hurt, questioning the integrity of our relationship. They would FaceTime and he would ask for her opinion on stuff. What hurt the most was discovering that he called her whenever we got into an argument. It felt like a betrayal, as if he sought solace in someone else instead of resolving our issues together. Despite the pain, I knew deep down that I wanted to work through our issues together. Our bond was worth fighting for, even in the face of challenges. However, I needed time to process my emotions and evaluate the situation before addressing it with him.

I went home, and to my surprise, he followed me. His concern was evident in his eyes, and I could tell he realized something was wrong. Despite my initial reluctance to see him, I found comfort in his presence. We entered the house, but no matter how hard he tried to engage me in conversation, I remained silent. The words just wouldn't come.Eventually, he reluctantly left to return home. Left alone with my thoughts, I couldn't shake the feeling of unease that had settled over me. Seeking solace, I turned to Sara's house – a place where I knew I could find support and understanding.After some time to gather my thoughts, I knew I needed to talk to him again. Setting aside my reservations, I reached out and asked him to meet me once more. When he arrived, I mustered the courage to tell him what I had seen and explain that I needed a break. It wasn't an easy decision, and I could see the disappointment in his eyes, but to my relief, he understood.

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